WWE 2K17 arrives as the reigning and defending flagship WWE video game franchise champion with cover Superstar Brock Lesnar! WWE 2K17 features stunning graphics, ultra-authentic gameplay and a massive roster of WWE and NXT’s popular Superstars and Legends.
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wish their a Indergender tag match
looks like balls
not paying $60 for that.
Go fandango yourself 2K!
Just picked it up, NXT edition too.
I ain’t paying for this buckshit looks the same as 16
not worth it
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar 2
only if they have gilberg.
I’d recommend this to anyone that’s considering it.
Buy this when it’s reduced price. Decent game but totally not worth $60.
More like $30 or $40. I should know, I played after I bought it.
21th to comment
every year a new wrestling ,basketball ,soccer ,american football,golf and
the list goes on. but exactly 0 boxing games
When they actually punch each other on a game than in “real” wwe live
events ;)
Get the game for $40 during the upcoming holiday or sale day instead. It’s
good but not worth a full prices.
igual de falso que en la vida real: v
37th comment
I remember I use to create Crips and Blood wrestlers and had them go
against each other in the ring. I think I might buy this so I can create
gangbangers again.
Ps4 is the best platform, the best graphics, the best games :)
graphic STILL sucks.
the best backstage and crowd area was in smackdown here’s come the pain!!
the best game of wwe
fuckstation lol
if you’re a wwe fan and a gamer, you should buy it.
this game is awesome! i had a lot of fun in 2015
Why does the graphics look so bad? Looks like a remaster gone wrong
Блин, думал видос Wycca.
ha ha ha ha ha ha trash
These games are so bad it’s funny to watch, a real life show but the real
life show is fake af. I’d rather spent $60 on a male stripper
Only buying cos of Goldberg and Lesnar
Whats the song name?
Crazy last wrestling game I enjoyed was here comes the pain. I rather play
Getting this game not on Ps4 others console.
And Rey Mysterio :'(
Graphics still look like dogshit.
when is the ps4 graphics trailer coming out?