Uncharted Drake’s Fortune Remastered [PS4] Speed Run (Full Game) Speed Racer Trophy

Published on October 8, 2015 by PS4Trophies

Continuous Speed Run is a new mode in the Nathan Drake Collection on PS4. This is a full speed run on Uncharted Drake’s Fortune Remastered. Beat this mode in under 2.5 hours to earn the speed racer trophy. This can be played on Easy difficulty but tweaks are not allowed. Immediately switch to the donut drake costume and you’ll also earn the Fat and the Furious trophy as well.

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Chapters Timelinks

Chapter 1 – Ambushed 0:52
Chapter 2 – The Search for El Dorado 3:30
Chapter 3 – A Surprising End 15:21
Chapter 4 – Plane Wrecked 23:26
Chapter 5 – The Fortress 39:36
Chapter 6 – Unlocking the Past 47:17
Chapter 7 – Out of the Frying Pan 57:53
Chapter 8 – The Drowned City 1:02:19
Chapter 9 – To the Tower 1:08:04
Chapter 10 – The Customs House 1:16:53
Chapter 11 – Trapped 1:19:32
Chapter 12 – Heading Upriver 1:23:43
Chapter 13 – Sanctuary 1:26:09
Chapter 14 – Going Underground 1:41:02
Chapter 15 – On the Trail of the Treasure 1:45:33
Chapter 16 – The Treasure Vault 1:55:51
Chapter 17 – The Heart of the Vault 2:03:10
Chapter 18 – The Bunker 2:06:39
Chapter 19 – Unwelcome Guests 2:10:07
Chapter 20 – Race to the Rescue 2:19:01
Chapter 21 – Gold and Bones 2:27:19
Chapter 22 – Showdown 2:29:39

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★ Drake’s Fortune includes the following trophies ★

Unlock all Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered Trophies

Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty

Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty

Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty

Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty

First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure

Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 10 Treasures

Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 30 Treasures

Professional Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures

Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 50 Treasures

Master Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures

Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic

Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic

20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots

100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots

250 Headshots
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots

Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots

Brutal Brawler
Kill 5 Enemies with Brutal Combo

Brutal Slugger
Kill 20 Enemies with Brutal Combo

Brutal Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Brutal Combo

Triple Dyno-Might!
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion

Dyno-Might Master
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion 5 Times

Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging

Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging

Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)

Steel Fist
Kill 5 Enemies with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire

Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire

Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind

Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying

30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades

20 Kills: Desert – 5
Kill 20 Enemies with the Desert 5

20 Kills: Wes – 44
Kill 20 Enemies with the Wes – 44

30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper

50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm

50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4

50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm

30 Kills: M79
Kill 30 Enemies with the M79

30 Kills: MP40
Kill 30 Enemies with the MP40

50 Kills: PM – 9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the PM – 9mm

50 Kills: Moss – 12
Kill 50 Enemies with the Moss – 12

50 Kills: AK-47
Kill 50 Enemies with the AK-47

Shoot Some B-Roll For Elena
Explore Photo Mode

These Walls Can’t Stop Me
Beat Chapter 5 – The Fortress in less than 10 minutes

Up a Short Creek Without a Paddle
Beat Chapter 12 – Heading upriver in less than 5 minutes

A Speedy Reunion
Beat Chapter 16 – The Treasure Vault in less than 7 minutes

Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)

Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty

Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Descendants With a Sniper Rifle

Kill an Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake

YOLO Fortunately
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder

The Fat and the Furious
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake

Follow the Leader
Compare Statistics with Friends

Need for Speed
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 2 Hours and 30 Minutes

Cheater Cheater
Activate a Tweak



  • hanna issa 9 years ago


  • Blavk Krayon 9 years ago


  • Jakedog :2377 9 years ago


  • Got-TheFrag 9 years ago


  • Jacob Snyder 9 years ago

    If you watch the cutscenes does the timer still keep going?

  • xDeeCk ™ 9 years ago


  • KingCuervo88 9 years ago

    haha…. obese Drake…

  • Altaïr Ibn-La´Ahad 9 years ago

    Why would you speed run a masterpiece?

  • Jason Mason 9 years ago

    Can someone tell me how many platinum trophies PS$trophies has?

  • Trent Hape 9 years ago

    Are you speed running the other two games?

  • MrWarrior 9 years ago

    How did you make Nathan Drake fat?

  • Ali drake 9 years ago

    With loading screens and cutscenes it wil be much longer

  • Gamer Gamer 9 years ago

    If I play through uncharted 2 on brutal difficulty will I get the trophy
    for beating it on crushing?

  • HyperSonicXtreme 9 years ago

    +PS4TrophiesSo I guess its not like Max Payne 3 New York Minute trophy
    where you have to do it nonstop without quitting the game or screwing up
    getting killed. In this, you can quit if you’re not satisfied with your
    time and do it again with the same previous time by going to main menu and
    continue .I’m glad its not like that.

  • Deathmonkeyjaw 9 years ago

    good god this game is ugly…

  • jackiestunt 9 years ago

    I made it through in 2:03:34, died 5 times during the jetski part because I
    rushed it :P

  • DanneGames1 9 years ago

    I hated chapter 18 the bunker the first time I played when I was 11-12 I
    thought it was scary as hell. But now when im 16 it isn’t scary anymore.
    but my friend screames as hell when he playes it and he’s 17 haha :D

  • Sephiroth Jenova-Crescent 9 years ago

    I don’t remember this trophy on the original game…

    This is retarded

  • Valerie 9 years ago

    hey Bryan 🙂 Is this costume need it for platinum?

  • Joel Yo 9 years ago


  • Aurimas R 9 years ago

    My time was 2:28:50 hahaha I don’t know how I made it, I lost hope towards
    the end, I was like nope, that’s not gonna happen, but then somehow I
    completed remaining chapters really quickly and managed to make it!
    Haven’t really watched this one because I already have the trophy, but I’m
    on Uncharted 2 right now and feel like speedrun is going to be a lot harder
    than this one, so a guide like this would be amazing, keep up a good work
    and thanks for all the work you put in these videos, huge fan here!

  • Pop Car 9 years ago

    Hey can you do SMB trophies? I’m sure you’ll hate your life in the process,
    but hey, gotta catch em all, right???

    God help you with this one trophy hnters

  • KesterStudios 9 years ago

    why didn’t the developers fix his jumping animation?

  • yukmouth2009 9 years ago

    he looks fat

  • HyperSonicXtreme 9 years ago

    Some guy in a forum said you can still get the trophy while wall clipping
    only at some certain chapters but not other ones. Like in other words, you
    have to do Chapter 8 to the start of Chapter 12 altogether. I’m going to do
    a glitchless run though, since you can quit the game and continue with the
    same previous time.

  • XyvannaX PSN 9 years ago

    i loaded my game file off the speedrun but my skin is turned off ? of donut
    drake someboy knows why and do i need to play agian?

  • Patropi .Lolz 9 years ago

    1h 52m
    I want someone who beaten this record XD, don’t lie please!

  • falconbox 9 years ago

    The trophy isn’t called “Speed Racer”. It’s called ” Need for Speed”.

  • William Pirrie 9 years ago

    Just completed my speedrun in 1:54:08, so it’s easy enough, especially if
    you’re quitting to the main menu. One thing to note though on the Fat and
    the Furious trophy, I got about half way into my speedrun when I switched
    my system off overnight with the intention of picking up where I left off
    the following day, but when I got back into it my costume had been reset
    back to the original Drake. I didn’t notice right away and had to start all
    over again, so keep that in mind and it’s probably best if you do it in one

  • evilfangs 9 years ago

    Can you put the fast motion tweak on to run and climb faster for this?

  • DominionOpinion 9 years ago

    Are you going to do speed run videos on Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3, please
    reply because if not i will give it a go on my own.

  • oxylú 9 years ago

    Why is he so fat?

  • Thiago Santos 9 years ago

    for this trophy can replay a chapter with less time and count in total time
    to a better final time?

  • Monkey D. Toasty 9 years ago

    I got it!!!! Thank u so muuuch ❤️❤️

  • Vylkeer 9 years ago

    Why is Nathan looking chubby? Is it something included in this Speed Run
    mode? :P

  • Hannibal 9 years ago

    My time was 2:03:25

  • Krabbymcnabby 9 years ago

    WARNING: I did this over two days, your skin will not be saved to the
    playthrough and I ended up doing a couple of checkpoints before putting it
    on. I did not get the fat and furious achievement because of this. Make
    sure to remember to put your skin back on

  • Bran O'Shea 9 years ago

    This is great. Are you going to do speed runs for the other two in this

  • Eagle0ne96 9 years ago

    I did the three first chapters in one sitting, then I turned my console
    off, when I played the game back, I finished the four next chapters without
    realizing I was thin, so I went fat again, and finished the game, I then
    replayed the four chapters I had finished when being thin, and even
    replayed the final chapter, but no trophy.
    Does anyone have a solution or do I difinitely have to start the entire
    game again ?

  • Hannes Green 9 years ago

    Thanks man, finished it in 02:13:26.95 and it’s 5am. I think I’m going to
    bed soon.

  • Kreatur84 9 years ago

    can i play chapters in speedrun mode or must it be a run from start to
    finish like an story mode run?

  • theat00 9 years ago

    Finished it in 1:54:10 :3

  • Michael Hope 9 years ago

    You don’t have to go all the way back to the main menu to reset your time.
    You can just press restart last checkpoint

  • sean locke 9 years ago

    sully sure takes his time moving around and using his lighter, etc. its
    like he knows your against the clock lol

  • Fluxington 9 years ago

    Quick hint: at 54:19 the game doesn’t force you to play this little turret
    section. I just ran past it and continued without it. So if you need to
    save some time, definitely skip that section just by running past it.

    BTW: “Easy Difficulty”. Good job Naughty Dog. You had one damn job, and you
    still did not care ._.

  • Jared Painter 9 years ago

    ah that’s what i was doing wrong was doing it on explorer difficulty


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