Transcripted – Launch Trailer PS4

Published on September 7, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Transcripted will be available on PlayStation 4 starting 13th September. Transcripted is a mixture of two incredibly addictive and vastly popular casual gaming styles: the dual-stick shooter and the match three puzzle game. More info on

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  • Sasuzeke Kory 8 years ago

    Will there be a boxe game?

  • 华鸣扬 8 years ago

    .. What a nerdy game.

  • General Grievous 8 years ago

    take my money

  • Steve 8 years ago

    It’s just like Dark souls!!!

  • Dank_Shrimp 8 years ago

    why do they put mobile games on PS4?

  • Game Store 8 years ago

    *Is that coming to android? )*

  • markanthony1004 8 years ago

    It looks like Asteroid. Any of you remember playing that in an Arcade?

  • PlayStation Algeria 8 years ago

    Subscribe please

  • TallulahSoie 8 years ago

    This generation is too stupid for puzzle or thinking games.

  • WolfyTheGamer 8 years ago


  • NaRa Whoops 8 years ago

    R.i.p Driveclub

  • Erick V 8 years ago

    What is this

  • ZONEX HAVEN 8 years ago

    Indiestation 4 for the whatever.

  • vj csavar 8 years ago

    Looks like it is fun!

  • Paulo Lameiras 8 years ago

    Looks pretty fun!

  • Qskyghost82 googlechromecast customer 8 years ago

    Hi sony and sony playstation corporations and natoed communities: & of ps4 VR games and movies named passengers of starships named avalon:it looks and sounds like from linux distribution magazine cd/dvd disks distros with choice offered between 64bits or 32bits of linux versions into gigabytes that they might be considering at those levels already to permenantly abandon 64bit computer programmming and instead do base 32bit computer programmming only in place of 64bit computer programming for real literally! So i’m not yet sure if they be willing to do this at terabytes levels yet &/or not! However; because of this: there is also a very real chance that at terabytes levels by picobytes levels they may feel forced to drop their computer linux programmming levels down from 32bit programming to 16bit linux computer programming…or would it be as far as picobytes by exabytes?!? None has knowledge yet what human possible computer programming levels standards will be in near to far distant futures at these and other levels currently thus far for real literally! You asked for humans to fix and repair starships named avalons. But will humans be able to do so?!? Will starships named avalons be programmed in 64bits or 32bits or 16bits or 8bits or 4bits or 2bits or 80bits or 160bits or more or far beyond human capabilities to comprehend and program and comprehend nonfixably?!? Zero need to post answers comments on youtube at this time that even and oddly even you do not have knowledge of correct answers unto at this time and moment to think about for real literally?!? Is it going to be mission possible &/or mission impossible? & you really do not have knowledge yet…in thy story series because sony playstations natos of nonchinas nations and natos are not in charge of and are not the ones deciding how starships avalons should and should not be built and designed and repaired or if none will be allowed to be repaired by the homestead spacecraft merchant companies for real literally…which could potientically be a little frighteningly scarey…. Well…good luck! Signed respectfully….signed meow…..

  • Dylan Farrow 8 years ago

    I love colour switch


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