The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Ending – Entire Final Mission & Boss Fights With Mostly Good Endings

Published on May 21, 2015 by PS4Trophies

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Ending. There are several different endings with many different variations depending on quest completion and choices and with whom you romance. This is one possible conclusions that is mostly good.

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★The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt includes the following trophies ★

Lilac and Gooseberries
Find Yennefer of Vengerberg.

A Friend in Need
Find and free Dandelion.

Help Yennefer extract information from Skjall’s body.

Family Counselor
Find the baron’s wife and daughter.

Something More
Find Ciri.

Visit Tir ná Lia and convince Ge’els to betray Eredin.

The King is Dead
Defeat Eredin.

Passed the Trial
Finish the game on any difficulty.

Ran the Gauntlet
Finish the game on the “Blood and Broken Bones!” or “Death March!” difficulty levels.

Walked the Path
Finish the game on the “Death March!” difficulty level.

Geralt: The Professional
Complete all witcher contracts.

Complete the subplot about choosing Skellige’s ruler.

Assassin of Kings
Take part in the assassination of King Radovid.

Friends With Benefits
Complete the subplot involving Keira Metz.

Full Crew
Bring all possible allies to Kaer Morhen for the battle against the Hunt.

Acquire all the Abilities in one tree.

The Enemy of My Enemy
Use the Axii Sign to force one opponent to kill another. Do this 20 times.

Humpty Dumpty
Kill 10 opponents by knocking them off somewhere high with the Aard Sign.

Environmentally Unfriendly
Kill 50 opponents using the environment (e.g. swamp gas, insects or objects).

Kaer Morhen Trained
Perform 10 effective counterattacks in a row without getting hit or parrying.

Can’t Touch This!
Kill 5 foes in a fight without taking damage (except for Toxicity) and without using the Quen Sign.

That Is the Evilest Thing…
Ignite the gas produced by a Dragon’s Dream bomb using a burning opponent. Do this 10 times.

Butcher of Blaviken
Kill at least 5 opponents in under 10 seconds.

Triple Threat
Kill 3 opponents in one fight using 3 different methods (swords, bombs, crossbow, Signs, etc.).

Defeat Olaf, the Skellige champion of unarmed combat.

Make an opponent suffer from bleeding, poisoning and burning simultaneously. Do this 10 times.

Master Marksman
Kill 50 human and nonhuman opponents by striking them in the head with a crossbow bolt.

What Was That?
Attack, counter, cast a Sign and throw a bomb (in any order) in under 4 seconds.

Discover 100 fast travel points.

Pest Control
Destroy all monster nests in the Velen / Novigrad region, or in Skellige.

Card Collector
Acquire all gwent cards available in the base version of the game.

Gwent Master
Defeat Tybalt and win the gwent tournament held at the Passiflora.

Let’s Cook!
Learn 12 potion formulae.

Collect the formulae for 6 different bomb types.

Read 30 books, journals or other documents.

Armed and Dangerous
Find and equip all the elements of one set of witcher gear.

Power Overwhelming
Have all possible Place of Power bonuses active at the same time.

Brawl Master
Complete all fistfighting quests in Velen, Skellige and Novigrad.

Fast and Furious
Win all the horse races in the game.

Reach character development level 35.

Fire in the Hole
Destroy 10 monster nests using bombs.

Fist of the South Star
Defeat an opponent in a fistfight without taking any damage.

Geralt and Friends
Win a round of gwent using only neutral cards.

All In
Play three hero cards in one round of gwent and win the match.

Complete the contract on the shrieker.

Fearless Vampire Slayer
Complete the contract on Sarasti.

Woodland Spirit
Complete the contract on the Woodland Spirit.

Fiend or Foe?
Complete the contract on Morvudd.

Ashes to Ashes
Complete the contract on Therazane.

The Doppler Effect
Resolve the doppler problem in Novigrad.

Even Odds
Kill 2 monsters you have a contract on without using Signs, potions, mutagens, oils or bombs.

Fill all mutagen slots.



  • TheDeralte 10 years ago

    Now go do the other 35 endings

  • megaton199x 10 years ago

    good ending with triss

  • Obito Uchiha 10 years ago

    The witcher 4 confirmed : Ciri & Geralt in Sex Scene
    Master & Girl ! xD

  • 121finalfantasy 10 years ago

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Thanks for the Triss ending, the only reason I am playing
    this game. Triss Forever.

  • TFO 10 years ago

    I pretty much had the same ending as you, apart from the fact that I
    settled down with Yen.

  • Martin Rončka 10 years ago

    Are these two different endings? I don’t get how did Ciri return

  • rangasami sajeevan 10 years ago

    Awsone story ever.good ending there a other part in wicher 

  • Sam Dover 10 years ago

    I didnt get that last part when I finished the game :C I dun goofed

  • Kot Blini 10 years ago

    Ciri is the purest

  • Johnny Good 10 years ago

    There is 3 endings about ciri right? Become witcher, she die and ruling???

  • Zariche Yruga 10 years ago

    Igot other ending on my chanel and lvl 70 prty crazy best game ever m/
    Cirile will be the future of witcher 4

  • Brian dorai 10 years ago

    Does this game have snakes?

  • Marcel Sobol 10 years ago

    Hi, Did Geralt met vampire Regis in Witcher 3? Yes or no :D

  • ERIC CHEN 10 years ago

    Even on ps4 I saw there are many places lose frame rate.

  • Palav B. 10 years ago

    -.- I wish had the first ending in the video

  • secretlabs1234 10 years ago

    I beat the game already tonight.

  • Zariche Yruga 10 years ago

    70 hrs to end everything not bad biggest game ever and lvl 70 max

  • Cankut Demircan 10 years ago

    It looks like you ended up with triss. After we finish the game can we
    still see her ?

  • John Nicholson 10 years ago

    This is exactly the ending i got, imo it wouldve prolly ended happier if
    radovid was assasinated

  • commando414 10 years ago

    I find this way better than all other endings/

  • actionvids35 10 years ago

    i think there only good endings

  • John Riley 10 years ago

    What do you have to do in order to get this ending?
    I saw all flashbacks except the first one, what do I have to do to see the
    first one?

  • Solomon Woods 10 years ago

    Anyone know if you can find Ciri or yennefer or triss after you complete
    the main story?

  • KENTARO12100 10 years ago

    My ciri die, temeria rice again whit empire , islands have a queen, all
    nort are conquer by empire and geralt is die so my ending its a bullshit

  • DaiZ RB 10 years ago

    I got the ending where I kill the last remaining crone. Then game ends.
    After the end game, how can I reunite with Triss, Yennefer and the others?

  • Jock Gordon 10 years ago

    What armour are you using man couldn’t find in anywhere

  • yotsa thopwong 10 years ago

    WTF?! I only get the bad memories :(

  • VoL Rus 10 years ago

    С пол тычки убивает,фууу,самый низкий уровень сложности?(((

  • CatroiOz 10 years ago

    to have Ciri survive you have to act like a father to her (power of love
    and all that), I found 4 triggers so far :
    – you have to snowfight with her (“I know what will cheer you up”)
    – break stuff in the mage’s laboratory ‘”Do it”)
    – help her make the tomb of that guy in skellige
    – say “don’t do this to me” at the very end
    As long as you do the majority of those things it works.
    Also if you want her to become a Witcher and not an empress you have to
    never take her to the emperor, tell that you don’t trust neither the lodge
    nor the elven mage and not reveal her location to the emperor on skellige.

  • goblinounours 10 years ago

    Well, that’s clearly a happier ending than the one I got.
    I dunno if I got the sadest or something : I had to kill the third lady of
    the woods with the help of a werewolf to get Ciri’s necklace, but it
    doesn’t end well at all. ^^

    I’m gonna have to do the whole last chapter all over again. ^^

  • Jens Linder 10 years ago

    Both my Ciri and Geralt died at the ending.. How do you get such a good
    My choises throughout the game was only a positive setting towards Ciri and
    her problems.

  • falcon22brawler 10 years ago

    So how’d u keep the spark going with triss? I swear yen can’t take a hint.
    All I want is team triss

  • Monbergdk1 10 years ago

    Emhyr didn’t want to pressure Ciri into anything right? Then why fake her
    death? :)

  • Calyptico 10 years ago

    On towards the witcher 4, or whatever it will be called.

  • Dragonborn 10 years ago

    This game is soooooooo amazing! I’ll spend my next 5 years with it ^^

  • 0Angar0 10 years ago

    Please tell me when was the moment where Geralt holds Ciri’s hand at 35:50?
    I don’t remember it.

  • OwnageIsIncluded 10 years ago

    In my ending , Ciri dies , Geralt goes to kill the final witch to retrieve
    Ciris medallion as a reminder of her , then he notices it’s slightly broken
    which at that point I was heart broken my 4th time in 10 minutes , then
    monsters come in to rush the building and Geralt just sits there , not sure
    if he died or ?

  • Playstation Nation 10 years ago

    I just beat it and i was wondering of there’s alternative endings or is it
    just one ending no matter what you do?

  • freaknoob12 10 years ago

    +Blues_grandfather there will be The Witcher 4 but without Geralt did CD
    Projekt Red Say but i Hope Geralt is in The Witcher 4 

  • ­­­­­craib ­­­­­­­­­ 10 years ago

    i wish i had known that finding ciri would fail all of the quests,
    including the king assassination.

  • Marina Doshkevich 10 years ago

    Ok..How do I NOT end up with the red head. I hate her.

  • Chase Clark 10 years ago

    What is this armor set in the video? Cant seem to find it anywhere in game

  • Xantheus07 10 years ago

    I dont think Ciri becoming a wicther is a good ending should should be a

  • Justin Dloski 10 years ago

    That’s the final boss? haha! Are you fucking kidding me? What a terrible
    terrible not creative game at all. Wow.

  • Justin Dloski 10 years ago

    Also, what the fuck do you do after you’re done with this piece of shit
    game? Play it again? Nope. Does it have ANY replayability whatsoever?
    Nope. Great game. Not.

  • I Know You 10 years ago

    can you find yen or triss, after finishing the game?

  • Vordil 10 years ago

    I have the exact same ending execpt i have a different ruler in skellige :)

  • EthanolMusicYo 10 years ago

    may i ask… where did you get that body armor?

  • Ray Jim 10 years ago

    Got the same ending, but playing it whole again because i want stupid bitch
    ass radovid faggot king bitch to die! TEMERIANS ALL THE WAY!

  • saga2828 10 years ago

    I’ve watched many gameplays and I say that Witcher 3 game is nearly as good
    and epic as LOTR movies.

  • PapaVeNeti 10 years ago

    apart from triss(chose yennefer) i got the same ending. Awsome, personally
    the best. Never liked emreis, and well witches aren’t good in general, yen
    and triss nad the lodge(damn) won’t face a problem, but the other witches,
    well glad they are delt with. As for the nonhumans and pellars, well, i
    didn’t like that. Cerys the most wise of the possible leaders, ciri was
    granted her freedom, which is what she wanted. Emreis died too. So apart
    from the nonhuman’s part, everything is awsome! So happy ciri survived!

  • Heds123 10 years ago

    “i’ll give you my heart but I shall take your head” – ancient love letter
    so what kind of a couple were they exactly

  • Jim Jones 10 years ago

    Do anyone know where can I find Ciri, Yen or Triss after the ending?

  • KyoruMizuruki 10 years ago

    Finally a Triss ending :D

  • Stefan Korica 10 years ago

    What if i let Roach die and Djikstra takes the throne will nilfguardians
    lose and will non human live to see the day?

  • Big Mac 10 years ago

    I have completed the game.. Still bits to do like side quests etc. But I
    have a problem when I go back to kaer morhen I can’t find anyone there
    except keira.. No yennefer.. No one.. Also the hairdresser has
    disappeared.. Can’t get a haircut 

  • Gvauzious 10 years ago

    got almost the same ending, just Yen instead of Triss

  • Raz0rking 10 years ago

    well..i took radowid out of the play. The emperor seems the lesser evil of
    both. For the mages at least…

  • logopaloma 10 years ago

    please as it is called the song where fight ciri in this scene?

  • KaszalotForever 10 years ago

    I think I got the sad ending because I didn’t want to steel horses with
    Ciri in one point… fuck, I’m not a thief.

  • Jan Ra 10 years ago

    Well in my ending Gerald and Ciri are dying…

  • hydraliskin 10 years ago

    i liked this game…good different kind music good characters, especially
    liked the father daughter with gerald and ciri…minuses, loading times,
    gerald still moves with half second lag, the quests which just takes you to
    another guy to do him favor so he can take you to another guy you gotta do
    favor etc…

  • Snake4431 10 years ago

    The Same Ending here just fantstic, want to Play it again.

  • Claire de Danann 10 years ago

    Anyone got an idea how to write this phrases correctly in Elder Speech –

  • Cloud Sodding Strife 10 years ago

    They needa explain how Ciri miraculously survive the White frost !!!! There
    has to be a sacrifice , she lost the Elder blood in the process or smething
    like that ? It just ends on a Cliffhanger leaving us wondering how Ciri got
    rid of the White frost source :/

  • Yammy Yams 10 years ago

    yo man i beat this game on death march, started this game on that blood and
    bones thing. i didnt get the trophy for beating on death march like wtf? i
    switched difficulties half way through my game =/

  • Fhd Nasser 10 years ago

    If I change the difficulty at the end to death march, did i get trophy for
    it or it must be at beginning *sorry for my English *

  • Ace Thinkce 10 years ago

    and some how i endded in a bad ending :(

  • Erick Alfaro 10 years ago

    Just one question, is there a trophy, taking yenn instead of triss as a gf?

  • david lu 10 years ago

    Ciri is such a badass 

  • thejoesyndrome 10 years ago

    wtf? I made the same choices as the flashbacks that were in this vid and I
    got the heir ending?

  • Kaywynn Jones 10 years ago

    my ending sucked…..

  • Patrick Adamczyk 10 years ago

    I think i got the neutral ending, where ciri becomes the emperor of
    Nilfgaarg.. i liked it, but i think this one is closer to reality, optional
    Yen or Triss ofc. 😀

    Still im happy with my ending, i couldn’t let Radovid alive. I liked him in
    Witcher 1 but in Wild Hunt hes just a big A-Hole and Temerien and Vernon
    Roche all the fcking way !

    But yeah, this ending is probably pretty close to the reality. Ciri
    becoming a Witcher and living and hunting together with Geralt 🙂 Witcher 4
    will come maybe, but not earlier than 2019/2020 because Cyberpunk 2077 will
    be CDP Project Number 1

    I would say Game of the Year easily, the story, the music, the atmosphere
    and of course the jokes (especially drunk in Kaer Morhen hehe) makes this
    game the ebst RPG i ever played

  • FunsComing 10 years ago

    Can you find Yennefer, Triss or Ciri after this ending???
    I got the same ending except Geralt settled down with Yen.

  • Jack johnson 10 years ago

    The Ending i got was Geralt sitting in a tavern with Zoltan And Dandelion
    in White orchard and the whole continent was covered in snow!! ( i guess
    ciri couldn’t stop the white frost after all), then i went to look for ciri
    so we could hunt a royal griffin together , after that she left so she
    could be the queen of Nilfgard and i ended up by myself with no yennefer or
    Triss , Cuz i chose not to bang either of them in there side quests ,
    Radvoid is dead and Nilfgrad won the war but temeria was liberated.. 

  • kacprius 10 years ago

    Does the good ending also take you back to the point before the last

  • PrzemoxFF 10 years ago

    so i got the same ending like in the video and my question is how to get
    better or worse endings at wich point does it changes?someone have any

  • Joshua Feaunati 10 years ago

    Why isn’t Keira helping the other sorceress’ of the Lodge?

  • Professor Black 10 years ago

    How do I settle with Yennifer? and not mess up with both her and Triss(who
    I kissed).

  • The Governor 10 years ago

    What is the soundtrack during this battle?

  • igotnoideawhattoput 10 years ago

    I often wonder why Geralt is the hero in this series… virtually every
    other protagonist in this game is stronger than Geralt…

  • Adam Ostrožlík 10 years ago

    10:10 – best scene in cinematic when Geralt thaws and playing Council
    soundtrack – best scene in game i think.

  • Slim Reaper 10 years ago

    holy shit my ending was exactly the same as this one, awesome! a lot of
    other endings ive seen by others had ciri as empress or dead and geralt was
    alone or with yen. i think this is the best ending

  • The killer 10 years ago

    What is the name of the song in 11:32?

  • Akmal vanzero 10 years ago

    If we do treesome , are the ending bad

  • ElectricCD Channel 10 years ago

    I took my time playing this and im glad i did i got a pretty good ending,
    ciri survived, king radovid fell etc. probably not the best result i mean i
    ended up with yen but overall a pretty good ending

  • Foxtrot 0014 10 years ago

    I finished the game on the same way as you did… BUT! my ending was that
    ciri was dead AND the last thing that hapend was geralt kill the last
    crone… I just dont understand.

  • Mix Box 10 years ago

    Is my ending best ?
    Ciri is witcher
    Cerys is queen
    Radovid is dead
    And Triss is with me

  • Takoyaki Boy 10 years ago

    Cant swim bro ?

  • Alfie 987 10 years ago

    SHIT!!!!!!! I got to the end and accidentally deleted my save. 100 hours
    waisted, there is no way I can bring my self to start again now. Maybe in 6
    months or so I’ll play again making different choices.

  • Eatpoop007 10 years ago

    What the song when Ciri fight with Karantir?

  • Zsügynök titkos 10 years ago

    Mostly good endind??? With Radovid alive ??? nooooo :D

  • 412lowkey 10 years ago

    I couldn’t kill Radovid. The results aren’t pretty but “neutrality is
    always contemptible”. I’d probably feel just as bad though if I’d had
    gotten involved in the assassination.

  • 412lowkey 10 years ago

    @CatroiOz I said good luck and she survived to become a witcher. So the
    conversation at the broken tower has no bearing on the ending you get.
    Also, for her to become a witcher you have to go with her to Bald Mountain
    when she wakes you up after the snowball fight (don’t know who would want
    to take her to the emperor instead of killing Imlerith right away. In the
    prose, Emhyr wants to have kids with Ciri.. Nasty..). And you don’t have to
    tell her you don’t like the Lodge.. if you let her talk to them herself she
    refuses them. Phillipa essentially tells you on Skellige what she wants
    from Ciri which is to be her advisor should she become Empress. Ciri
    clearly didn’t want that.

  • Aliff Sidek 10 years ago

    anyone knows the name of the theme ciri fight all of the wild hunts??

  • Bielo bog 9 years ago

    lol fights in this game are so hilariously stupid.
    Best mouse1 pressing simulator ever.


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