Fed up with being unable to travel beyond the borders of her swamp, the witch Metallia forges a contract with the legendary Hundred Knight to help her realize her ambition of spreading her swamp throughout all of Medea. As the Hundred Knight, your mission is to do whatever your master, the Swamp Witch, commands. Explore the world, destroy Pillars built to prevent her swamp from spreading, and wreak indiscriminate havoc. However, in the back of your inhuman mind, you begin to wonder… What prevents Metallia from leaving the swamp? Why do the other witches shun her, and how can she survive in a swamp that is notorious for how poisonous its fumes are? Is Metallia really a witch to respect, or is she one to fear?
For more information, check out the official site: www.nisamerica.com/games/witch100revival, or join us at www.facebook.com/nisamericainc or www.twitter.com/nisamerica
©2013-2015 Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. ©2013-2016 NIS America, Inc. All rights reserved. The Witch and the Hundred Knight is a trademark of Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. Licensed to and published by NIS America, Inc.
only clicked this because I thought it was a new Disgaea. It may be cool
but I won’t be picking it up. If anything I wanna hear that song played at
the end in full.
I played the demo of this game. Its okay in a gamer’s eye but i loved it
and want a hard copy
March 1!? are you kidding me? The game is already available on the Japanese
store both dubbed and translated why makenuse wait so long?
german Version please
mira como esta esa maguita papu (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This is so much like Legend of Mana! I love it. Also you guys could bring
LoM to the Ps4… if that’s ok with you…
اتركو الانمي رجا آن
So this is another Hd remaster? I’ve not played the one on ps3 but due to
the way the name suggest it sounds like it. lol i thought this game done
really badly so I’m wandering why it got this and not other games, even
though it did I eventually want to try it though.
Wow the English trailer is so hammy with most Japanese games dubbed
Looks cool
Dual audio or die.
I’d totally tap that
Really hate rpgs with “over pollution” screen.
At least there are no reptilians here.
I very rarely tell people to avoid a game, but I’ll recommend dodging this
Loved playing it on the PS3, and I’ll probably buy this version. Hopefully
the game crashing bugs are fixed, that’s really the only major complaint I
had with the PS3 version.
Is it for ps vi… COME ON !
Good for me. I brought this for ps3 but never played it because I’m too
lazy to dust off my ps3. I know I’m picking this up on release.
Bought the original. It wasn’t that good. Cant believe they brought it
back. But even more surprising is its getting a sequel
never finished it on my ps3 after my house fire. I just might pick this up
again. good game, playing along side an evil person is fairly unsettling
but it is a new perspective. Also this is a light jrpg, no turn based so if
anyone is worried on that, now you know.
such a shame that it’s ps4 only…
okay to the peoples ho played this game before is it worth it? is the game
play similar to star ocean series?
I’m the strongest?
also, is it just me or does metalia looks like marisa kirisame from the
touhou project?
is weird see this game only in PS4
Remaster # 1000
Saw this for sale a while ago, never really thought of picking it up until
I saw the reviews. Guess I’ll pick it up when the PS4 version releases
this voices..agh
I played the Japanese demo…… It was…..ok
Hopefully it’s better than the original.
Always wanted to play this last gen and never got around to it. Will
definitely get it this time.
RemasterStation 4
might get this, i heard it was good
The voice acting is insanely annoying.
Look awesome.
Confirmed weeb bait.
Play as Metallia?! Hellz yeah man!!!!! I played this for PS3 and it was
great so the fact that I can get this for ps4 with new content is so
Getting a Disgaea feeling, can you use Japanese voices of you wanted to
like in Disgaea.
NIS America need to tone down their trailers a bit. We don’t need
context-free voice clips shouting the entire time, and gameplay footage is
more effective without giant words plastered all over.
NIS America need to tone down their trailers a bit. We don’t need
context-free voice clips shouting the entire time, and gameplay footage is
more effective without giant words plastered all over.
Music at the end? Thanks in advance! (no darude dankstorm pls..)
Day one buy.
cool I’ll get
Defiantly getting the limited edition.
only clicked on this for the thumbnail ;;;;;;;;)
Meh, I’d rather play Dark Souls.
About time been waiting ages for this
ps3 version is on my radar for quite some time, will get that when i finish
my ni no kuni and kingdom hearts 1.5
“NIS America”
Don’t support artistic censorship.
Is this a sequel? Of so, do I need to play the one before?
Is this a sequel? Of so, do I need to play the one before?
Playstation is the only platform that still bets on RPG exclusives… and I
say THANK YOU Sony
Nice game it reminds me of Ys and I love Ys so I just might get this game.
1:40 Four fingers Seriously
Make japanese voices available too pls!
physical release or digital only?
Any chance of coming to PC
Game was hard af definitely not for casuals
What1? Yes!? I’m excited….I loved the game and willing to play it again
on PS4…I feel this game in underrated too…thank you…
I liked the music of this game
i’ll buy it :D
ps4? This looks more like a psp game to me but whatev’
worth a try!!!!!
Worst trailer ever
Japanese games really have not changed since the 90’s. Who would waste
their time and money on this trash?
y para ps vita?
One day before my birthday. I may grab this up, as I wanted to play the ps3
Not enough overlays; I could almost see some of the gameplay.
Game looks really fun!
She turns her mother into a rat and makes her mom get raped by 10 other
rats and then cooks her rat mother and feeds it to you.. Im not joking dead
It’s must be for vita…
Welp colour me interested
So this is ps4 compatibility with ps3 games nice hahaha.
game for weeabs and virgins
Shrek tell everyone to get out of his swamp. Metallia bring her swamp to
She…has no nipples…
And do they show you gameplay? Yeah sort of… hidden in the background…
for about a half second… looks like something I’d expect to see on the
Oh yeah of course you can release your little Indie stuff on playstation
cause lord forbid that is exactly what I paid 400 bucks for is to play 15
dollar indie games every month like clock work on this so called next gen
console. They are so cheap and lazy at playstation now that they don’t even
want to invest into triple A titles anymore and instead throw cheap made
indies I can play for free on my phone and throw ps3 remakes at us like
that counts as new games. Pathetic. Gaming has went in the gutter on ps4.
It had potential but now its just a expensive machine that playstation is
throwing app game indies at and don’t care. So why should I care. I Haven’t
bought a game in ages and I’m about to sell the ps4 to.
I’ve been waiting for this ever since it was announced. I can’t wait till
it comes out. Also just heard about the sequel, the hype is real!!! :D
Worst voice actors ever.
Seems to me like the game will be better if I can switch to Japanese
This game sorta seems similar to Disgaea, the music is similar and so it
the artwork, is it related to it in anyway?
English dub makes my ears bleed… T-T
how is the song called playing at the beginning pls?
did this really need a remastering?
planning to buy this for ps3, and this came out….good thing i guess?
cause i was about to buy ps4 next week
Hmm, it’s like a Disgaea-looking Ys type game that I must play with nobody
around lest I be judged for the character’s skimpy apparel.
definitely getting this even though I know the endings from ps3