The Surge 2 – You Are What You Kill Trailer PS4

Published on September 6, 2019 by PS4Trophies

The Surge 2: Pick your loadout in the most violent way possible with the new Target, Loot, Equip Trailer

The Surge 2 brings the nanomachine nightmare of Jericho City to players everywhere on September 24 on PlayStation 4. To survive this brutal world you will need new equipment – and The Surge franchise’s iconic limb-cutting mechanics provide just such an opportunity. In this new video see how every weapon, every piece of enemy armor and equipment can be targeted, torn off, and equipped to your exo-rig. This produces new builds, letting you destroy your enemies in ever-more-satisfying ways.

Combat in The Surge 2 is quick, brutal, and packed with decision making. With new and deadly techniques like directional parries, drones, and brand new weapon types, The Surge 2 upgrades everything. Your style is your own, from picking implants and armor set bonuses to how you use energy, stamina, health or ammunition. Combined with an intricate world to explore and incredible, unique bosses, The Surge 2 is an action-RPG experience like no-other.

Pre-orders are now available on Playstation 4, and come with the URBN Gear Pack, which includes a new armor set, two new weapons, and other cosmetics and equipment. The Surge 2 releases September 24.

Rated Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language

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