The Riftbreaker™ is a base-building, survival game with Action-RPG elements. You are an elite scientist/commando inside an advanced Mecha-Suit capable of dimensional rift travel. Hack & slash countless enemies. Build up your base, collect samples and research new inventions to survive.
Published on March 8, 2019 by PS4Trophies
Category Trailers
Tag Action alien base breaker Build Building colony Controller Craft Crafting exor exor studios exploration Factory female protagonist HacknSlash isometric mech mine mining planet Portal rift riftbreaker sci-fi shoot Shooter Shooting Slash slasher Strategy top down twin-stick
Thought it had to do with fortnut
Houston, we have a Mecha
Please don’t be Anthem clone
Think it’s a survival game with mechs and base building, from what I saw, looks ok
Law breakers…. Rift…. Hmmmm
well not bad i think.
better then anthem
The description actually looks interesting! I’ll keep an eye out for it.
No wonders it looks like X-Morph Defense !!!
It’s Exor Studio again
Witcher is the best
0:13 Illuminati
I want pk system love taken over a server pk player
It’s like Factorio and rimworld I think
Anthem …
Dont trust these kind of trailers
Base-building survival game… seems interesting game.
Why the robot in the thumbnail looks like bumblebee
Funded by European Union? That’s incredible
Anthem polido kskssk
Oh look titanfall and anthem made a baby
Rift Breaker
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rift Breaker
Remind me about base building game on mobile where publisher add a ton of microtransaction in it
This looks great! I’m excited to find out more about this game
titan fall 3:Farming simulator.
RIP anthem ? xD
Another anthem
Better than anthem
Houston, we have another generic strong independent female character…woo
If Titanfall, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Ratchet and Clank had a baby
That’s some bland voice acting.
Is it on VR?
looka great
i am default and my id is Kwwkaa donate v-bucks or any bad skin
looks like pacific rim plus anthem but with base building ability
that is not the tone i would have in my voice if an undiscoverd entity would be coming towards me on a strange planet
Monster Hunter World: Anthem
Looks like trash
Anyone notice that the ‘A’ in ‘The Rift Breaker’ looks suspiciously a lot like the Titanfall logo?
Someones trying to cash in…
Nice Escape
Battle royale with mechs?
Bring it on!
Love PlayStation
Sounds like a cool idea but a glimpse of the gameplay would have been nice
Let me guess, BR
No Mech Sky.
Are survival games coming back?
Aguanten las reacciones genéricas !
This Titanfall expansion looks cool.
This RTS has a starcraft vibe all over it.
Sorry i dont speak garbage gamecnsole smh i onyl speak xbox
This looks like the start of a list of horrible ps4 exclusives
I have one question
Why is this funded by Poland and the EU?
Harvest moon but with Anthem Style ?
Anthem 2
Looks Better Than Anthem
no gameplay – don’t care. Stop wasting my time
looks cools
Of course there has to be a whamen soldier.
Anthem 2 ?…
That’s a wierd looking Javlin
Anthem V2
I want it…alas I don’t have a PS4
What they do to Bumble Bee
I’ll hold out on judgement until I see gameplay.
Can you put a new free to play game pls
i want playstaion
Hey look it’s the spawn of Ratchet and Clank & Knack, this looks like it is going to be an enjoyable and fun game can’t wait to play it.
*Sees the thumbnail*
Wow, Bumblebee 2 looks really different, but okay.
Is free Games
I love PS3
I love PS3
I love PS3
We want gameplay!!
Anthem on crack
This was a bad trailer. I have no idea what this game is based on this trailer. Aslo, why is this game developed by the European Union?