The King of Fighters saga continues with an epic new story! With one of the biggest rosters ever and 50 characters ready to clash, create the perfect team in the classic 3-on-3 battle system. Burn to Fight!
© ATLUS. © SEGA. All rights reserved.
kensou all day
Se parece mas a chris
Kensou Bieber ! :v :v
Chin with the moonshine x10, spooky stuff
Athena is bae!!!!!
The Old China Vs The New China is Awesome!!!
Just here for Athena ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Team Friendzone.
athena tiene licra? o son pantis :v en unas partes se mira negro y en otras
como blanco e.e
Kensou mistura de Chris e Justin Bieber,esse visual dele não me agradou
nada e ainda mais mudaram o dublador.Não deviam ter mexido na skin dele e
ter deixado a do XIII.
Kensou’s voice seems okay to me… but I don’t lie I’m disappointed.
tiene buena pinta ;habra q verlo en accion cuando salga; esperemos no sea
una mierda como SF5
Came for Athena, stayed for Kensou’s ridiculous haircut
pero q bien se ve athena
Chin reminds me of Bo Rai Cho for some reason lol
SNK should let Athena appear as guest in a Hatsune Miku game, i’m sure her
popularity will skyrocket even more if it happen ^o^
Athena hermosa
1:12 did he just do a 99% damage combo
Athena Ikimasu!
Psycho Ball
Psycho Sword
Phoenix Arrow
Kanpeki “blink” desho?
Gotta love Athena’s voice <3
She has Freeza's Death Ball too o/
Mds, o que foi isso em 1:10 – 1:15 :O
Well done Team Psycho, Well done Team Psycho
Team Mexico is still the best!
Nice stage !
Never heard of this fighting game franchise. Just came here by
notification. Another cartoony game which is not of my type. Anyways More
mortal kombat franchise has always dominated over fighting games.
Mortal Kombat X >> Every other fighting game.
Im getting this on my birthday next month.
0:51 Is that a visual bug? Does Chin have some sort of tattoo below his
belly? … Or are those pubes? o.O
No Sara Palin so this Team is INCOMPLETE.
I came here so i can jack of to athena
Anybody got a PS2 I can borrow so I can play this game?
Y por fin Kensou tiene mas pinta de Chino .
I Love Athena ♡
Athena!!! I love you, me gusto su diseño
horrible graphics
Pra mim, até agora esse foi o melhor cenário e a melhor música <3
Athena tinha que ganhar um prêmio como a personagem mais escrota já criada.
This game is going to be great!
Música enjoadinha kkk
Kensou has a weird face. I don’t see the problem with his voice though.
Na boa, esse vídeo está muito mau editado.
desde Kof xiii kensou ha cambiado de ser un peleador mediocre a uno decente
:v :v
a team consisting of: a school girl pop star,a school boy pop star,and a
drunk black man…..riveting……..(the rest of the teams look awesome
0:41 – Genki Dama? O.o
i missed these niggas…
Athena doing a HenkiDama xD
No puedo creer q Athena, una de los pj femeninos mas querido por los fans y
no fans de kof este tan mal diseñada, empezando x los graficos, hasta Alice
q es nueva se ve mejor, y segundo x la ropa, en serio ella ya deberia
rondar los 20 años en este kof y le siguen poniendo trajes de colegiala,
por q no siguieron al menos con los trajes de idol del 2002 y 2003, aunq
tmb las idols usan trajen de colegialas, pero en serio q a esta Athena no
le cae para nada
Chin the OP master
when’s ikari for god’s sake?
Kensou “Never Say Never” Soldier
Coolest looking Kensou we’ve ever gotten.
chin op
Only 9 more to go *.*
Athena ⊙ω⊙
esse kensou tá esquisitão
Kensou! Can’t wait for this game!
quem achar que o climax do chin esta tirando muito dano nunca levou um
porre de seleta , 51, 88, dona vânia, da roça etc. a bebida nos faz fazer
coisas incriveis mesmo.
I love Athena <3
1-10 drinks?!
Careful now, Athena, all that glitter is *very* combustible.
Played the demo all I gotta say is mashing square can get you anywhere
so Athena angel and kula are my characters
I wish Helene from Full Throttle would make her KOF debut.
So much friendzone in this video.
did you guy’s see chin’s damage O.O
call of duty dlc map rip off
A voz do Kensou ficou sem graça, parece uma criança kkkk fora isso o trio
tá show
Athena top tier again(combos from light atacks,climax cancel from the
ground,midscreen preasure…)!
Chin tá o bixão mesmo em!
Finalmente meu trio favorito foi revelado! Athena Incrível
Team Psycho is where losers go to die.
I think my main problem with this game’s graphics is that they look so
The worst team in the game, only the Kensou is good for something, and I
Hate Athena.