SNK PLAYMORE proudly debuts our 5th teaser trailer for the PlayStation®4 exclusive title “THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV”, revealing footage of fan favourites “K’ ”, “BENIMARU NIKAIDO” and “ROBERT GARCIA”. Please stay tuned for more of KOF XIV’s future character announcements!
xbox one no le ase competencia a play station
Still looks pretty weird. I would have really loved it if they kept the
KoFXIII style.
horrible, its like the frame rate for each attack is 10.
omg hype.. :s
fifth comment
ahhhh show us mai shiranui !!!!
Im growing to like this alot more
Vanessa please
Does Robert Garcia have a stache?
Looks like an old-school PS2 game whack
its getting worst with every trailer
Not interested….
Caramba :O os gráficos evoluíram muito. Gostei muito! A gameplay parece bem
isso é ps2 no ps4 ?
Why am I not in this game? well actually I’m better than a king… I’m a
GOD. God of Fighters, now that is more for me.
ok it looks mmm normal, i hope gets better this game
You can take a nap between each attack.
normally there are many frame sequence when you are landing a punch. this
just looks like a lot of sequences in between is lost. which makes the
moves look really weird.
should have kept it 2d… :/
King of Fighters: App Store Edition.
tekken 7 will still kill tho…
It is excluse for PS4?
The Arcade King of Fighters in 2006 was and will always be the best King of
Fighters Game i have ever played
It’ll be so neat to have this PS2 game finally come to..oh.
Polnareff is loocking good.
seariously I love his new style.
I’ll definitely get it on Android.
I wish they went down the route GG went with cell shaded animated style. A
KOF with those style graphics would be so hype.