A gritty, comic-inspired Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is a visually stunning, fast-paced combat true to PlatinumGames’ signature style.
©2016 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. Game ©2016 Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision makes no guarantees regarding the availablility of online services and may modify or discontinue online service in its discretion without notice. Purchasing and using the software constitutes acceptance of the Software License Agreement available at support.activision.com/license. The “PS” Family logo and “PS3” are registered trademarks. “PS4” is a trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ESRB rating icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
looks good
please subscribe to my channel
follow me on Instagram @fazekidd and subscribe to my youtube channel
This game will soon be mine!!
After seeing that boss battle, I’m not so hyped for this game.
Is this 4-player online co-op?
Last time I came this early, my girlfriend left me.
I’m happy to see they still support the PS2
Finally!! Waited long enough after TMNT Battle Nexus 2 for PS2
I really hope this has 4 player Co-op.
oh I didn’t see this game for along time.i loved this game on ps2
its the walking dead grafic
This is for PS4? It looks like it would be a PS2 game. R.I.P
ps3 ????
big apple, 3 a.m.
Last time i trusted an activision game I got screwed over. Oh the days of
destiny……….Not anymore though.
1:36 Krang
I hope this gets a ps3 release like transformers devastation got.
4 player co op online and 2 player split screan !:@
Best iteration of TMNT ever! Also, although it’s based on the comics, that
fight with The Shredder looks VERY reminiscent of the 2014 TMNT movie…
please don’t suck, please don’t suck, please don’t suck
ok, that was awesome!!!
4K on PS4
360i On Xbox Done
the graphics reminds me street fighter
Ey PlatinumGames, shut up and take my money !! COWABUNGA
This looks like fun
this looks so ugly
this game looks great pending controls
could not invert y controls on the last game they did I hope they bothered
to add the option this time
Rafael is cool, but rude (gimme a break)
Michelangelo is a party dude
I love how the stinger for both the Turtles game and movie trailers is
this reminds me that i still waiting for a good dragon ball game since
budokai tenkaichi 3
I’m undecided if I’ll get this but if I do it’ll be for PS4.
No… Just no…
Ah it’d be so awesome to play as the villains.
Let’s hope this is the TMNT game we have waiting for.
that couldnt be right
Looks like borderlands
This looks pretty good, but it’s coming out the same day as Mirror’s Edge:
Catalyst and Overwatch.
Does anyone notice the animation is like the ultimate spiderman game?
Looks promising
Great game! Maybe ugly turtles are a thing now….
Oh wow! reminds me so much of the classic cartoon. classic tmnt. day one
for sure
“Mutants in Manhattan is a visually stunning”
Taken from the description, the game really isn’t visually stunning, it
might be a fun game to play but it’s not Uncharted in terms of it’s
joke time…
better than Michael Bay’s movies already.
I have a Galaxy S3, can I run this?
I hope the turtles aren’t the only playboy character
I hope the turtles aren’t the only playboy character