Join Axl, Lars, Freddie and Ozzie on their bro’tastic adventure! In the multiplayer-centric Super Dungeon Bros, a band of heavy metal heroes are summoned to embark on a quest from the Gods of Rock. Their mission: to navigate the fantasy realm of Rökheim and to seek out epic loot, hordes of evil undead and the legends of long lost fabled rock stars!
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Super Dungeon Bros is rated the following ESRB 10+ (Inc; Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood), PEGI 7 (Violence) and USK 6.
© 2016 React Games. Developed by React Games. Licensed to and published by Wired Productions Ltd. React Games, Super Dungeon Bros and the Super Dungeon Bros logo are trademarks of React Games. All rights reserved.
3d castle crashers
perfect game for ps plus
Reminds me of Castle Crashers, looks really good :)
so…castlecrashers ripoff
saw this at PAX West and it looked really good. think procedurally
based Diablo with the ability to jump.
Oh shoot the new Power Rangers
Ps4 is the best platform, the best graphics, the best animations, the best
games :)
Woo another dungeon game I love me some dungeon games.
looks like a lot of fun :)
Torchlight + Diablo + Lego?
dislike is bad