Join Sonic and friends as they mount a rebellion to take back their world against some of Sonic’s fiercest enemies. Plus, a mysterious new villain with an equally confounding power–Infinite.!/en-us/games/sonic-forces-digital-bonus-edition/cid=UP0177-CUSA05637_00-SONICFORCESDDX00
© SEGA. All rights reserved. SEGA is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SEGA, the SEGA logo and SONIC FORCES are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Holdings Co., Ltd. or its affiliates.
Oh Sonic… what happened to you? One step forward with “Sonic Mania”, two steps back with this…
Sonic Adventure 2 vibes
Why does it look like it’s from 2007?
Well, time to fight some edgy sonic ocs with our own edgy sonic ocs to find out who the edgiest is
Sonic Forces looks promising I’m looking forward to it despite the negative hate it gets
They should say from the team that bought you Sonic 06
If you’re looking for fun gameplay, I suggest you get this. If you’re looking for intense gameplay, I suggest you DON’T get this. If you’re just buying for the story, wait until this game is on clearance in about 4 months
I’m so excited! My is gonna get this game at Christmas!! Thank you Sega!!
Oh jesus that looks worse than i thought it would
Insta buy for me
Bro that’s not shadows voice
Civil War ?
Never before seen hedgehog customization welcome to the wierd era of gaming!
This trailer is poorly made. Sonic can’t get a break
not better than sonic.exe like if you agree
From what i’ve seen it doesn’t look great… After the excellent Generations i was hoping for an improvement
I’m not a big Sonic fan but I’m tempted to get this
Что за гавено? Сега и Нинтендо чем-то похожи: новой аудитории нет, а старым фанатам говно суют и они ( конченные дегенераты ) его жрут.
the sonic forces logo, looks like a soviet propaganda xd
LAdies and galmaebai, Boys and Girl, Cats and dogs two, Wellcome To Sonic forces!
the only cool thing for me is that everyone else is there like silver and chaos besides that game looks pretty wack
“From the makers of Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations” is it true they only made those Sonic games? Or are we just suppose to forget that those are the only good Sonic games to come out in the past decade? I hope this will be alright, because I do miss the platformer years. What worries me is these graphics look exactly the same as many other Sonic games from the past 10 year ago… Will there be anything new to this beside character customization?
This is the switch trailer but says PS4
This is so beautiful!
developers said that sonic 06 is not canon, so how can silver is in this story?, also shadow’s a villian when omega stands with the rebellion?, i’m so confused
So how does this game flow for anyone with a early copy of the game? It looked like it didn’t flow well often in gameplay videos. Also not diggin the music as well with the vocals I been hearing on tracks. I personally don’t like any Sonic music with vocals with SA2 being the only exception. I wont gripe on the visuals too much but Unleashed and Generations look better than this in some aspects.
Are they trying to make sonic seem epic? lol
Bait below.
music way too epic for this trailer
Dr. Robotnik!
Good thing this is only 40 bucks frfr
Looks awesome. Early Japanese reviews are really good. Let’s hope they are right.
But it shows Xbox buttons at 00:44
Sonic Mania killed Sonic Forces
PAUSE, WHY’RE THERE TWO SHADOWS?? Maybe ones a clone? Or maybe he switches sides ???
Oh god, there’s character creation.
Deviantart is gonna have a field day with this one…
What I wouldn’t give for an ominous trailer with a single voice singing, “Can you feel the sunshine as it brightens up your day?” Over all this intense imagery, considering this feels like a trailer for a movie that takes itself way too seriously.
Hey What’s up from Ireland Sidney here im watching u on my ps4 pro ps4 pro ps4 PlayStation vr rules
will this be enough to resurrect sonic?
Wow. That was so bad.
Movie trailer style huh? I dig it
I get that they want to have darker story tones again and all, but it won’t feel as dark with these current voice actors. They sound immature/cartoonish to take on this. The Sonic X voice actors took the dark themes more seriously tbh
If this tanks, someone should dig up that tweet the Sonic twitter page directed at the Mighty No. 9 team and send it back to the Sonic team lol.
Proof that Sega has no earthly idea what their fanbase is really like
I’m kinda liking some parts of this trailer …gonna wait for some reviews
5/10 By polygon… Sonic is dead
Sonic is the type of game that deserves to be played in 240hz with g-sync but sadly peasant won’t have that feature until atleast 10 years from now.
Sonic forces himself to be good again
omg its my sonic oc: do not steal the game
People still play this garbage?
Akey, they making DeviantArt the Game now, i get it
autism forces
Polygon sucks at platforming that’s why this games is rated 5
No FIFA? No CoD? No Destiny? No thanks
*T R U E T H A T*
graphic is the best!!!
I was already gonna buy it, but then Shadow!? I’m getting it ASAP.
Only one more day then I get to play this
sonichu will be canon
Sega sent this video to Sony? It uses the Xbox button layout…
was that the death star?
Nossa, que super saturado o sonic, tá faltando ideia demais. E os gráficos estão horríveis pra um jogo atual… Eu que não sou fã do mário, estou com muita vontade de jogar o Odyssey porque ta diferente do resto. Esse sonic ta chato, mano. Eu amo sonic e sou fanboy, mas assim não dá
guaranteed garbage
Anyone else miss Jet The Hawk?
A side scroller with a three lane runner? Um no thank you
I want a Sonic DX type Sonic game. That was my favorite one
Cant say it looks good but i also dont think its bad ill wait before buying.
the created a character system is so dumb and thy shouldve kept classic sonic out the game since they already put out sonic mania this year. this whole game should be strictly modern sonic.
Pretty action pack trailer for a Sonic game
If i was a kid i could’ve gotten a heart attack by watching this…
WHY do people think this SUCKS?!
This is practically like taking the comics and making it a game, and the fact you can make your own character and team up with Sonic is freaking awesome! I think its going to be the best 3D/2D Sonic game yet.
Why does it look like they used a sharpen filter in this video?
Game Has Been Pre Ordered & Is Expected To Come Out In 6 Hrs 10 Mins
Looks like a ps2 game
some sonic games have just been utter failures but i have to say this one looks amazing and i cant wait to play it
Color me impressed. I’m definitely down for this game, plus the whole custom character aspect greatly intrest me. Wonder if I have to preorder to get the jet set radio costume. Anyone know if that’s the case or not?
Looks like an epic final of the series
I’ll handle things… my way!
Who even play this?..
Sonic DX was really the best game of the franchise
well the game might get some bad reviews but a better review than sonic boom RoL. honestly sonic mania is a golden winning sonic title for this year and last year “last year or 2 from sonic boom RoL”
Challenge: State 10 things that’re wrong with Sonic Forces that it doesn’t share with Sonic Colours and Generations, and that isn’t something that doesn’t actually make it bad.
DeviantART: The game
Polygon said this game sucks.
I really want to support so they can keep making them but their execution is not helping much
I’ll buy it, honeslty it does looks fun.
Kinda misleading. I doubt your custom character will make it into CGI cutscenes.
Sonic universe!