Shadow of the Colossus PS4 – Secret Gardens Poisoned Fruit & Reach the Gate of the Forbidden Lands

Published on February 4, 2018 by PS4Trophies

Double trophy guide. Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake has two trophies that’ll require you to climb the Shrine of Worship temple up towards the secret garden and bridge. You will need to have a nearly full stamina meter to successfully climb the shrine. You will have enough after completing the game once, plus two additional NG+ runs. Once up to the top, head to the secret garden and eat one poisoned fruit for the Fruit of the Garden trophy and then cross the bridge for the Reach the Gate trophy.

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

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1 comment

  • Kjnova Chen 7 years ago

    So, do you still need to collect all the lizard tails to climb on that tower?

    I mean, you almost run out the stamina out when you reach the top!


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