Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake – All Fruit, Shrines and Lizard Collectible Locations

Published on February 5, 2018 by PS4Trophies

Shadow of the Colossus collectible locations. These are the locations of all fruit, shrines and lizards on the PS4 Remake of Shadow of the Colossus. Fruit and shrines are presented in just a single map I made. You can earn the fruit map during the Hard Playthrough of Time Attack and a Lizard Map in Normal Time Attack. I will show video of each lizard location. Some shrines have multiple lizards

You must pray at all 25 shrines for the Seeking Salvation trophy. This is missable and must be done in a single playthrough. The point of no return is when you jump the gap with Agro on the way to the final colossus.

There are no trophies for finding all of the fruit or lizards however there is one for shooting a lizard with a special arrow (acquired during Time Attack on normal difficulty after you’ve beaten the game) and for eating one normal and one poison fruit. The poison fruit is on top of the temple in the secret garden and a separate guide has been made for that –

Eating a fruit will slightly increase your health and collecting a silver lizard tail will slightly increase your stamina. Normal lizards provide no bonuses.

This guide provides no locations of gold coins.

Lizard Grid Timestamps
B3 2:22
B4 2:58
B5 4:42

C1 5:05
C3 5:19
C4 5:59
C5 6:37
C6 6:54

D2 7:22
D4 8:00
D5 8:23
D6 8:50
D7 9:45

E1 10:21
E3 10:48
E4 11:17
E5 12:06
E7 12:36
E8 13:50

F1 14:34
F2 14:49
F4 15:18
F6 16:10
F7 17:20
F8 19:06

G1 19:49
G3 20:44
G4 20:57
G6 21:09
G7 21:20
G8 22:48

H6 23:02
H7 24:32

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

The Horned Boy trophy
Acquired All Trophies

Speed King trophy
Obtain All Time Attack Items Together as One Set

Intrepid Mortal trophy
Max Out Wander’s Health and Stamina Bars

Speed Demon trophy
Complete Hard Mode Under 5:41:28 s

Grounded Scaler trophy
Defeat Colossus 8 Before it can Turn Back Over

Resist the Wrist trophy
Defeat Colossus 3 Without Breaking His Wristguard

Reach the Gate trophy
Cross the Bridge to the Entrance of the Fobidden Lands

Last Man Standing trophy
Complete a Single Playthrough Without Dying Once

Bearer of the Curse trophy
Complete the Game on any Difficulty

Dormin’s Rage trophy
Use Dormin’s Breath Attack

Seeking Salvation trophy
Pray at All Shrines

Trick Rider trophy
Perform All Stunts with Agro

Fruit of the Garden trophy
Taste the Poisoned Fruit

Sword of Her Majesty trophy
Defeat any Colossus with Queen Sword

Paint the Target trophy
Use the Sword to Focus on a Vital Point

Fruit of the Land trophy
Eat a Piece of Fruit

Skilled Warrior trophy
Defeat a Colossus with a Downward Jump Stab

The Past that Defines Thee trophy
Defeat any Colossi While in Reminiscence Mode

Five-Lined Skink trophy
Collect a Silver Lizard Tail

Animals of the Land trophy
Interact with a Dove, Hawk, Fish and Turtle

Boon of the Nomad trophy
Find Barrel in Hidden Cave

Trick Arrow Skills trophy
Shoot a Lizard with a Special Arrow

Valley of the Wanderer trophy
Defeat the 1st Colossus

The Mammoth trophy
Defeat the 2nd Colossus

Wake the Knight trophy
Defeat the 3rd Colossus

Land of the Gravestones trophy
Defeat the 4th Colossus

Riding the Wind trophy
Defeat the 5th Colossus

Tomb of the Giant trophy
Defeat the 6th Colossus

Waves of Lightning trophy
Defeat the 7th Colossus

Scaler of the Colosseum trophy
Defeat the 8th Colossus

Lurker of the Cave trophy
Defeat the 9th Colossus

Mytery in the Sand trophy
Defeat the 10th Colossus

Guardian and the Pit trophy
Defeat the 11th Colossus

Thunder of the Lake trophy
Defeat the 12th Colossus

Signs amidst the Storm trophy
Defeat the 13th Colossus

Shield of the Colossus trophy
Defeat the 14th Colossus

Valley of the Fallen trophy
Defeat the 15th Colossus

Last of the Colossus trophy
Defeat the 16th Colossus

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  • TheViral Gamer 7 years ago

    Great video!
    Also, I’d love if you guys check my gaming channel. Thankyou for any and all support you show! I desperately need your help guys! One sub is gonna mean so much!

  • PS4Trophies 7 years ago

    I’m still out on the hunt for the Gold Coins. At this time, I don’t know how many there are. I currently have 70. I’m setting up a specific channel on my Discord Server for anyone who wants to help find the hidden coins.

  • Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition 7 years ago

    Theres about 70 to 80 gold coins,so good luck with that….

  • Eric Nick 7 years ago

    What about the gold coins?


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