Red Dead Redemption 2 -Attacked by a Bear? Grin and Bear It – Fastest Way to Survive 18 Bear Attacks

Published on November 28, 2018 by PS4Trophies

Red Dead Redemption 2 Grin and Bear It trophy and achievement guide. The FASTEST way to farm this trophy and will take 30-60 minutes. The area shown in the video spawns up to two bears. You need to get attacked by them and survive this attack and then kill the bear. You can set up a nearby camp and sleep for 72 hours to reset the environment. This will require you to make a save and then load that save to avoid having to wait the 10 minutes between sleeps.

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Guide #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Legend of the West (Platinum)
Legend of the West

Lending a Hand (Silver)
Complete all optional Honor story missions.

Best in the West (Gold)
Attain 100% completion.

Gold Rush (Silver)
Earn 70 Gold Medals in Story missions.

Friends With Benefits (Bronze)
Complete a Companion Activity in each camp.

Hobby Horse (Bronze)
Play all mini games.

Breaking and Entering (Bronze)
Recover the stash from 4 homesteads.

Artificial Intelligence (Bronze)
Discover the fate of Marko Dragic.

Take From the Rich (Bronze)
Rob or loot $250.

Give to the Poor (Bronze)
Donate $250 to the gang tithing box.

Pony Up (Bronze)
Spend $5000 across all shops.

Extreme Personality (Bronze)
Reach maximum or minimum Honor level.

Western Stranger (Bronze)
Complete 10 Stranger mission strands.

Bountiful (Bronze)
Survive 3 days holding a bounty of $250 in all states.

Collector’s Item (Silver)
Complete one of the Collectable strands.

Errand Boy (Bronze)
Deliver 5 camp companion item requests.

Self Sufficient (Bronze)
Craft 30 unique items in Story Mode.

Skin Deep (Bronze)
Skin every species of animal in Story Mode.

Zoologist (Bronze)
Study every animal across all states in Story Mode.

It was THIS Big! (Bronze)
Catch a fish weighing at least 16 lbs (7.3 kg).

Locked and Loaded (Bronze)
Upgrade each available component for a single sidearm or longarm weapon.

Grin and Bear it (Bronze)
Survive 18 bear attacks and kill the bear each time in Story Mode.

Trusty Steed (Bronze)
Reach max bonding level with a horse.

Breakout (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Complete the Intro.

Series Major (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Take part in a Series.

Gun For Hire (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Accept 10 Free Roam missions from characters around the world.

Eventful (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Play 5 Free Roam Events.

Buckle Up (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Achieve 5 gold belt buckles from awards.

The Real Deal (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Achieve MVP 3 times (in a round with at least 4 players).

Horses for Courses (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Concurrently own 5 horses.

Getting Started (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Reach Rank 10.

Notorious (Gold)
Red Dead Online: Reach Rank 50.

All’s Fair (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Successfully counter a rival Posse’s Free Roam mission.

Home Comforts (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Purchase 5 camp improvements.

Non-Regulation (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Craft 25 pieces of ammunition.

Posse Up (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Form a Persistent Posse.

Master Craftsman (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Craft 20 items (excluding ammo).

Butchered (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Sell 20 items to the Butcher.

Picked to Perfection (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Pick 25 Herbs.

Strength in Numbers (Bronze)
Red Dead Online: Complete a Free Roam mission as part of a Posse with at least 2 members.

Secret Trophies

Back in the Mud (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 1.

Just a Scratch (Bronze)
Complete ‘Enter, Pursued by a Memory’.

To Greener Pastures (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 2.

Settling Feuds (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 3.

Washed Ashore (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 4.

No Traitors (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 5.

Third Time Lucky (Bronze)
Complete ‘Goodbye, Dear Friend’.

Redemption (Silver)
Complete ‘Red Dead ‘.

Cowboy Builder (Bronze)
Complete ‘A New Jerusalem’.

Endless Summer (Gold)
Complete the Epilogue.

Paying Respects (Bronze)
Find the graves of each of your fallen companions.

It’s Art (Bronze)
Find a permanent home for the squirrel statue.

Category Tag


  • Lawrence Stevens 6 years ago

    Thank you, this is still on my list to do. Currently trying to do all the damn exotics and challenges.

  • Axel Hertzman 6 years ago


  • Duckkis 6 years ago

    Thank you, this is one of the things that I’m currently working on.

  • Donald Garcia 6 years ago

    “I’m gonna hop on my bear”

  • Thunder_Dog 78 6 years ago

    Woah you’re voice sure did Change ever since the AC unity notimas egimas tutorial

  • Steady Cuzzin 6 years ago

    Might get a trophy called Beast Master to ride a Bear haha..
    That would be cool to ride a bear while wearing the legendary bear outfit lol. Hell even to tame one would be satisfying. The “Beast Master.

  • Terry Henderson 6 years ago

    Thanks for the tips

  • Kwestyung 6 years ago

    I’ve got about 70 hrs in this game and I still haven’t run into a bear in the wild

  • JJ 6 years ago

    Lol. ” I’m going to hop on my bear.”

  • Crack 6 years ago

    i spent 3 hours killing bears and have now killed 22, and the trophy still hasn’t popped…

  • Bappo 6 years ago

    Just like the Revenant

  • Narniak69 6 years ago

    You must shoot the bear WHILE YOU ARE ON THE GROUND or they will NOT COUNT! You can’t just survive the bear attack, wait a couple seconds to get your aim back, then kill the bear. Nope, that would be too easy! You have to do it the silly monkey fuck way that Rockstar wants you to during the mini cut scene, even though it is never explained. I learned this the hard way, spending hours tracking down, surviving, and killing well over 18 bears only to realize literally ZERO of them had counted. To make matters worse on PS4, the only way to track your progress on this idiotic trophy is to login to the RockStar Social Club from the game and click on trophy progress. Check after your first couple bears to make sure you are getting the 5-6% progress and doing it the “right way”. GFY ROCKSTAR!!

  • flathead941 6 years ago

    Hahaha a bit late

  • Abdullah Latif 6 years ago

    Red dead online option isn’t showing on the title screen and i played rdr2 on October 26th. I’ve updated the game but no online. Why?

  • MegaPlayDoe 6 years ago

    This is way too much work lol

  • NotForAnimals 6 years ago

    You know a Woman just died with her child from a bear attack ? Jesus christ, you have no sympathy.

  • Adrenaline Rush 6 years ago

    In the southern area of Tall Trees you can find 4 cabins grouped together called “Bear Claw” that has a dedicated Grizzly spawn.
    I went through the process about 8 times last night and it spawned in the exact same spot every time.

  • Yeezy ASMR 6 years ago

    I thought the thumbnail was an actual bear…

  • Yeezy ASMR 6 years ago

    3:08 I guess they never miss huh?



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