Just a little rant and complain I have with the new comment system, and how it effects gamers specifically. Add PS4Trophies to your circle so I can try to remain interactive with your questions and comments. I also mention that I will be accepting new Friend invites on both the Xbox One and PS4. Details forthcoming on that.
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The changes YouTube made basically require you to have a Google+ account in order to comment or replay to a comment on any video. They have used their massive size to help the struggling social networking site. I can’t say that I approve of these changes, but I can accept them, not that we have a choice.
The commenting system will make it harder for gamers to ask for help in the comment section. The comments now will be sorted by popularity. Much like the unpopular kid in school, it will be harder to get your voice heard as your comment will not ever be posted at the top. This will make asking a simple question about a game or help that you may need much harder to get an answer to. I am not happy that I will have a harder time to interact with everyone. .
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