Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Gnomore – All 54 Gold Garden Gnome Locations & Chamber of Gnomes

Published on February 26, 2016 by PS4Trophies

The locations of all hidden gold garden gnomes in Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 along with the Chamber of Gnomes location and how to enter it at the end. You will get the Gnomore trophy for finding all 54 gnome statues and Gnome Man’s Land for finding the Chamber of Gnomes. You do not need to have collected all of the gnomes to access the chamber. If you find all 54 gold garden gnome statues you will gain access to high quality chests with random rewards including diamonds and other rare items.

#1-14 Backyard Battleground (Hub World)

Rest are all multiplayer maps. You can play private matches and put on low gravity and crazy speed in the Crazy Settings menu. You can also turn off the enemy team in setup.

Zen Peak x2

Colizeum x2

Lunar Landing x2

Z-Tech Factory x2

Time Park x2

Sandy Sands x2

Boney Island x2

Frosty Creek x2

Zomburbia x6

Moon Base Z x6

Great White North x6

Seeds of Time x6

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Platinum (Platinum)
Get all trophies

Time to Go Outside (Gold)
Promote a single character 5 times.

Star Crazy (Silver)
Spend your first star.

Rinsed ‘Em (Silver)
Vanquish 5000 Zombies.

Gramma Z Says… (Bronze)
Vanquish 5000 Plants.

Insanity (Silver)
Complete an Ops game on CRRRRRAAAZY Difficulty.

Catching Waves (Silver)
Complete 100 waves in Ops.

Not the Boss of Me (Silver)
Defeat 3 Super Boss Waves in Ops.

It’s My Island (Silver)
Reach the boss wave using the Flag of Power in the Backyard Battleground.

Really Epic! (Bronze)
Complete 10 Epic Quests.

The Boss is Watching (Bronze)
Max out your XP Multiplier on the quest board.

Stomp the Yard (Bronze)
Vanquish 50 Plants with the Z-Mech’s Robo Stomp.

Just Peachy! (Bronze)
Stun 50 Z-Mechs using Citron’s EMPeach.

Simply Super (Bronze)
As Super Brainz, vanquish 25 Plants with Heroic Fists, and 25 Plants with the Heroic Beam.

My Place or Yours (Bronze)
Vanquish 25 Plants with the Scurvy Scattershot, and 25 Plants with the Spyglass Shot.

Specialist (Bronze)
Promote a character for the first time.

Hawkguy (Bronze)
Earn a S-Rank in the Crazy Targets Range.

Prance vs Samba (Bronze)
Gesture immediately after vanquishing a player.

Playdate (Bronze)
Visit a friend’s Backyard Battleground, or have a friend visit your Backyard Battleground.

Who Can You Trust? (Bronze)
Vanquish a friend in their Backyard Battleground.

Always IMProvising (Bronze)
Apply a weapon skin to a Zombie’s weapon.

Hero to Zero (Bronze)
Vanquish an opponent using a Potted Plant or Zombot Turret.

Skinchanger (Bronze)
In solo ops, swap to another character.

VIPs Only! (Bronze)
Play a private match with your own custom rules.

You’ve Goat to Be Kidding Me! (Bronze)
As Rose, Goatify 100 Zombies.

Aww Shucks! (Bronze)
As Kernel Corn, vanquish 25 Zombies with the Shuck Shot.

Corn Identity (Bronze)
Enter the Zombie Stats room as a Plant.

Gnomore! (Silver)
Find all hidden Garden Gnomes.

Gnome Man’s Land (Bronze)
Enter the Chamber of Gnomes.

My Favourite Z-Mech on the Citadel (Bronze)
As a Plant, vanquish the Z7 Imp.

Goat Any Last Words? (Bronze)
As a Goat, vanquish a Plant.

Goatmeal (Bronze)
As the Chomper, swallow a Goat.

Behind Enemy Vines (Bronze)
Enter the Plant Stats room as a Zombie.

Secret Trophies

Just Sprouted (Bronze)
Complete ‘Boom Tombs’.

On the Cob (Bronze)
Complete ‘Zero Bark Thirty’.

Her Majesty (Bronze)
Complete ‘Well That Escalated Quickly’.

Mango Tango (Bronze)
Complete ‘Showdown’.

Curseproof (Bronze)
Complete ‘Captain Smasher’s Curse’.

Yuck! (Bronze)
Complete ‘Yuck!’.

The Bean Situation (Bronze)
Complete ‘The Bean Situation’.

Got Golden (Bronze)
Complete ‘Gold Rush’.

Warp Tour (Bronze)
Complete ‘Steve-cation’.

What a Trip (Bronze)
Complete ‘Strong Coffee’.

What’s the Catch? (Bronze)
Train with the Mysterious Fish.

Lawn Care (Bronze)
Customize your Backyard with an Epic Item.

West Indian Lilac (Bronze)
Enter Infinity as a Plant.

String Theory (Bronze)
Enter Infinity as a Zombie.

King of Summer (Bronze)
Defeat Yellow Gnome King.

King of Winter (Bronze)
Defeat Blue Gnome King.

King of Spring (Bronze)
Defeat Green Gnome King.

King of Autumn (Bronze)
Defeat Red Gnome King.

RGBY (Gold)
Vanquish Gnomus, the Gnome King!

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  • michael myers fan 9 years ago

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  • VolaxHD 9 years ago

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  • LT.Battlefront 9 years ago

    Great video very helful

  • depsmic 9 years ago

    you are the best keep doing these tutorials

  • Rafael Galeano 9 years ago

    ▀█▄▀▄▀██████ ▀█▄▀▄▀██████
    ▀█▄█▄███▀ ▀█▄█▄███▀

  • Prodegy Maker 9 years ago

    omg thx i need this

  • Bailey tutorials 9 years ago

    “In bl garden warfare 2” haha you were about to say black ops

  • BillJr971 9 years ago

    thanks , this will help

  • naughtyNuGetzz23 9 years ago

    I wonder what’s in that chest that costs 200 stars


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