Obsidian Entertainment and Paradox Interactive are now announcing Pillars of Eternity – Complete Edition on PS4. Pillars of Eternity, the role-playing game (RPG) was funded by over 70 thousand backers, and created in the spirit of the classic Infinity Engine titles like Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale. Crafted by Obsidian with careful attention to fan and backer feedback, it is now feature complete, and for the first time, it will take its place in front of your television.
© 2017 Obsidian Entertainment, © Paradox Interactive. Trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Am I the only one that hates top-down games?
hola porque no puedo actualizar resident evil revelations 2
wait what?!
This is my Type of Game which is very Similar to Baldur’s Gate Game Series and the Diablo Games Series, Icewind dale and I am also a Old School gamer.
I Love the Top-down Games.
i hope this gets physical release.
Thank you!!!
Its a Masterpiece…what will be the price? I hope around the 30 dollars
Let’s see if the console audience will enjoy it as much as the PC audience did
PC Mustard Race lol
To Icewind dale.
Awesome!! Thank you Sony
Pillars to PS4 !!!! OMG, This Is Amazing
Will definitely get it, but not gonna lie, I do sometimes wish that deep RPG likes Pillars and Tyranny were given the budget of a Fallout 4 or a Witcher 3. Fallout 4 in particular was pretty big and was an okay Far Cry esque game, but lacked the depth and complexities of a true RPG.
Spend all that time customizing a hero that you can’t even hardly ever see. <3 Love that. -_-
Pilars of nosgoth
I like this new wave of crpg,also because they are available on consoles.Divinity OS was so good,and really solid port.
what a surprise! I’m buying this as soon as possible!!
I wasn’t expecting this omg!!! So good
But will it be f2p?
Finally, Obsidian has come BACK, to the Consoles!
Eww, a top-down game.
co-op I hope
The PS4 is becoming the best console ever made.
*internal screaming intensifies*
Another “PC exclusive”… 😀
hope it includes the expansion, the white march.
wuup wuup yeah
Why does it look so ugly?
I liked this game on pc, but I couldn’t stand the outdated combat system. Yeah I know it’s in Baldur’s Gate style, but c’mon, that game has my age at least, make cs a little less boring now
I could never get it to run well on my PC, so I’m looking forward to it.
“Now available on console”
“Available August 29th”
Last I checked, now was not August 29th
Les personnages ont l’air tout petit, c’est normal?
Please release physical copies.
I bought it on PC and will buy it again for PS4
will it have local coop?
My uncle that works at Sony told me this was never going to happen
oooohhhhhh yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh!!
Wow took long enough. Day one purchase.
Waaaaat, no way! :O
I’m so interested in how it plays on ps4, now I hope the second game will hit ps4 as well, my pc won’t be able to handle it, great news! 😀
“A generation born without souls, without a future”
Reminds me of the real world it’s no coincidence you can pick up on the truth in nearly every work of ‘fiction’ nowadays
Do PoE have anything in common with Diablo?
I’m curious as to what the control scheme is going to be.
I love the narration for this trailer. It breaks the fourth wall without being obvious about it.
God exists and is called Sony, thanks Sony, thank God.
So… I’m looking into getting this. Is the combat turned based or is it more “free” like Diablo or Gauntlet? I much prefer the latter.
Omg YES!! I was hoping this would come to ps4
Looks really good!
Omg awesome!
Is it playable in 4 player ?
i knew this day would come
Yes. A win for Sony