Past Cure is a dark psychological thriller that blurs the lines between dreams and reality. An intense, cinematic, story-driven experience that challenges the player to use mind-bending mental abilities to survive. Past Cure is out on PlayStation®4 on February 23, 2018!
Rated Mature: Blood, Partial Nudity, Strong Language, Violence
©2016 – 2018 Phantom 8 Studio UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co.KG. Past Cure and Phantom 8 Studio marks and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Phantom 8 Studio, UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co.KG in Germany and/or foreign countries. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
I have nothing interesting to say.
Ow thats gonna be epic
Legenda português seria legal
#PlayStation #noXbox
Yay, another pretentiousinteractive film.
0:21 most generic gun sound imaginable.
“A cinematic story driven game” its called a movie.
That low FPS gets me away from this game =/
Glad the new Fortnight skin is getting his own game.
Where is the Disclaimer: Warning: Do not buy this game. Heavy Disappointment will follow.
Gmod story mode
No gameplay footage, no purchase
Thought it was Fortnite click bait
Thumbnail looked like the new fortnite character
“past the cure”
but it gave me cancer
Im sure it will look and run better than PUBG, yet people will still defend a half finished game. LOL
How come we just notice this game now?! And it’s cheap! I’m gonna add this to my library! XD I love psychology thrillers!
The trailer is janky
So, what’s the gameplay.
Ahh man some high class euro jank
This can either be very good, or very bad. I hope it’s the former.
Does it have battle royal mode?
Fornite skin :3
This game looks like it’s ripped straight out of Garry’s Mod, how does this qualify as a current-gen title?
looks interesting idk
Are people really comparing the main character to the new skin in Fortnite that looks like John Wick just because the two of them are wearing a suit? Seriously? He looks nothing like the Fornite skin, what he really looks like is Ethan from Heavy Rain. You know, cause they both have short messy hair, not hair that goes down to their chin like John Wick and the Fortnite skin. Smh
The MC look like a mix of Max Payne & Alan Wake.
Looks super stiff
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Is the gameplay akin to heavy rain?
Looks cool. Gonna have to check out some game play.
O personagem principal é muito semelhante ao jhon wick.
Why is every game have john wick in it
That looks like the reaper from Fortnite
Please be a john wick clone in terms of gameplay that is
como o primeiro , parece que essas animações foram feitas por crianças kk
when the trailer is in 10 fps
Lame. not buying.
A good movie
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This game does not know what it wants to be
If it’s $5 then it’s a “day one” buy!Mmm,maybe if it has a deep narrative and reexperienceability?
This game is very similar to Get Even if you’re looking to compare it! Not a great game although it will be worth picking up when it drops in price.
I love how we get what should’ve been movies instead of an actual video game.
Snake! Snaaakeee!!! Snaaaaaaake!!! Heavy Snake