Paragon, the MOBA from Epic Games, is coming to PS4
and PC in 2016. Paragon puts you in the fight with explosive action, direct third-person control, and deep strategic choice. Sign up for the beta and learn more at: Twitter: Facebook: This trailer was captured entirely in Unreal Engine 4.
© 2015, Epic Games, Inc. Epic Games, Paragon, Unreal, Unreal Engine 4, UE4, and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.
looks cool
hehe 35 views
Looks way better than Smite imo
This looks like next gen league of legends
A new MOBA? Sure, why not? I’m tired of LoL and DoTA anyway.
woh definitely getting this
wow,please make ape escape movie & 4 in 2016 or other year,& more
name of the song
This is how it happened…
This is how The Xbox One died..
is this free to play
Okay..they’re not playing around, looks good!
Can’t wait for that
Looks 10 times better than smite!
Yay a moba for console well ps4 should I say
meanwhile xbox gets……..nothing
But can we K-style?
Ugh. MOBAs.
Next big easports
This is a moba?
Welcome to the roast of Xbox you will like it here
this game is going to be awesome
everyone is getting in on these action mobas or moba like games
I’m kinda skeptical because this reminds me of some Bungie game…
I wonder how this runs on xbox1…
so MS has Smite and Gigantic while PS4 has this. It’s looking like a good
time to be a moba fan.
Still waiting for Unreal 4
lofe the video
Lost planet?
Problem with this game isn’t it’s quality, but rather it doesn’t seem to
have a sense of humor, takes itself too seriously, that will be its
downfall, even if it truly is a better game in nearly every other way than
most mobas.
Amazing graphics!
so is it exclusive or?
This looks SO good! One of my most hyped games now. :D
Disappointed, I guess we will never see nothing that follows up the art and
comcept of Samaritan and Infiltrator… Thats sad… Sony could help
Looks promising and very visually sound. We’ll see how they differentiate
themselves from other MOBAs.
Destiny’s twin sis
poor xbone
poor xbone
Love Epic Games, had ton of fun playing Unreal Tournament 4 and Im liking
what im seeing.
man this game it’s amazing !!!
the trailer was good but I saw no gameplay, they gave me gameplay, I need
it :)
I didnt expect it to look soo good uh oh!!
This looks awesome. I love over the shoulder third person games. I hate the
ones where you’re looking at everything from above and you click everywhere
to move. This game looks a lot more involved and engaging than the existing
cough cough (smite copycat)
Dota 2 with guns and 3rd person
why is everyone saying this is only on pc and ps4? the devs have not said
anything about Paragon on xbox one
oh oh oh , i’m getting my new screen to play in my room for Christmas…..
I’m glad this is 3rd person it makes it unique to Battleborn and Overwatch.
Based off the trailers I think this looks the best so far, it’s similar to
LoL which I like.
Looks awesome
wow, another Moba shooter? Guess these companies don’t realize the majority
of period that play lol or dota are from foreign countries where buying
games is expensive, so they play free to play games like that.
looks cool. never played a MOBA. this might have to be my intro to it :-)
ha all you gamers pretending like one console is better prattling about
like the xbox one is dead and the ps4 is dead and wii u (well might as well
be dead) why not be gamer who just own all so you can take your console
wars and not play solider in a endless battle of frames per second
exclusives ram and horsepower we are all gamers here at the end of the day
Moba on a console? :p
always found Mobas to be lame but this looks incredible and I may make an
effort to give it a try
YES YES YES take my money naow
Gunna be fun on pc :>