Outlast 2 – All 105 Recordings and Documents Locations – Outlast II Collectible Guide

Published on April 24, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Outlast 2 has 105 recording collectibles. They are all considered recordings, but the trophies and achievements separates them between documents and actual recordings you take with your camcorder. For documents, simply pick them up. For recordings, you need to use your camcorder until the red circle fills up. You can check your progress anytime by taking out your camcorder and hitting square to view recordings. They are all in chronological order so if you miss one, you will see a blank space between two.

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

Omnipotent (Platinum)
Unlock all other trophies

Born Again (Silver)
Finish the game

Sanctified (Gold)
Finish the game in Hard Mode

Preacher (Gold)
Finish the game in Nightmare Mode

Saint (Gold)
Finish the game in Insane Mode

Prophet (Gold)
Finish the game without hiding in a barrel or closet

Messiah (Gold)
Finish the game in Insane Mode without reloading the camera battery

Asahel (Silver)
Finish the game in under 4 hours

What God Has Joined (Bronze)
Find Lynn

Babylon (Bronze)
See the distant mines where Lynn is captive

Hang in there, Baby (Bronze)
Escape the crucifixion

Be Thou Clean (Silver)
Escape from the Scalled

Golgatha (Silver)
Reach the mine facility

Sancti Sepulchri (Silver)
Descend into the mines

Let No Man Put Asunder (Silver)
Reunited with Lynn

Revelations (Silver)
Witness the end

Bible Study (Silver)
Collect 40 documents

Ordination (Gold)
Collect all documents

The Road to Damascus (Silver)
Complete 30 recordings

The Apostle Paul (Gold)
Complete all recordings

Heal the Sick (Bronze)
Use 10 bandages

Thoroughly Baptized (Bronze)
Spend 10 minutes underwater

Them That Hath Ears (Bronze)
Use the microphone for 20 minutes

Slip and Slide (Bronze)
Perform a twelve-meter blood slide

Proper Penance (Bronze)
Crawl for 500 meters

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