Numantia – Launch Trailer PS4

Published on October 24, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Numantia is a TBS (turn-based strategy) videogame that narrates the events that took place in the Iberian Peninsula during the expansion of the Roman Republic in the 153 B.C. The game is divided into two campaigns that will let the player revive history from the Celtiberian side with the seasoned Numantians or from the Roman side, leading the Republican army.

Take control of the mighty Numantian warchiefs and manage the resources of the famous city. Or command the unstopabble army of the Republic through camps scattered around Hispania. Choose you own hero in each campaign: Play as Carus of Segeda, his son Rhetogenes or his brother-in-arms Ambo in Numantia. Subdue the Peninsula with the fearless General Scipio or the soldier Asellius, a newcomer legionnaire in the Peninsula.
There are 30 units at your disposal to crush your opponent: Spearmen, slingers, cavarly or even siege machines, all of them based on real historical detachments. Face your enemies in true locations like Termes or Palantia and witness the legendary siege of Numantia. Experience more than twenty years of conflict like you never did before.
Plan your strategy. Choose your heroes. Write your own history.   

NUMANTIA © 2017 Recotechnology S.L& Combat Time. Published by Recotechnology S.L. Developed by Recotechnology S.L. Produced by Recotechnology S.L. & Combat Time S.L.
NUMANTIA © 2017 Recotechnology S.L& Combat Time. Numantia and the Numantia logo are registered trademarks of RECOTECHNOLOGY S.L.

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