LOST SPHEAR follows a young boy, Kanata, as he awakens from a devastating dream to find his hometown disappearing” could be “The adventure of LOST SPHEAR begins in a remote town where a young boy, Kanata, awakens from a devastating dream to find his hometown disappearing.
©2017 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Tokyo RPG Factory
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I promise I didn’t touch anything.
wenger out
anyone watching in 2017?
Sub to me please I will sub to you
“i am Disgusted”
We need a new Chrono game
That music is gorgeous af
its time to bring back .. the world..
didnt you mean, ZA WARUDO?!
wow super old school
Thankfully Square Enix is only publishing this so they can’t ruin it.
achei meio bosta
I haven’t seen such beautiful trailer in a long time. :’)
Final Fantasy tático vr 2 Player
Thought it would be a Switch exclusive but that’s ok. It’s still good that it’s releasing in other platforms.
Music and theme is intertwined with each other. Looks like a very enjoyable game.
I love how you removed the “Switch” and “Steam” logos
I’m buying this on Switch, I absolutely loved I am Setsuna and this looks even better
Dreamcast is back, baby!
I want this already! The vibes off this game !
I Am Setsuna Summer Edition
looks a bit like titanfall
The soundtrack is beautiful. I felt like I was in a symphony in England sitting with the Queen having a royal dinner.
looks fun. may stream it when I get it. check out my streams!
PSN plus games?
This game must rich with arts, i can tell
olá pessoal da sony queria pedir 2 controles de ps3 gosto muito de jogar porém não tenho controles bons, se vc e uma pessoas bondosa e hulmilde vai entender .
This looks ugly.
Im getting this game….
for the Switch.
Haruka Kanata
1 step forward then 2 steps back eh Square Enix?
1/10 !!!
Lost grammar
the music in this trailer is just amazing.
Meh…ill pass
looks like the old ff7
Oh for pity sake Sony really another game that looks like it belongs to the PS Vita seriously stop doing this .
hey you spelled it wrong
10/10 as iPhone game
i wont buy it its not my type of game
if you dont give me Destiny 2 and cod ww2 for ps plus, i will sue your company
This game will be terrible just like I’m Setsuna
What is square doing work on KH3 nobody cares about these games
where is the so called ps3 exclusive agent from rockstar games ???
I want jacksepticeye to play this
PS + game
hey Playstation where’s episode 5 of the walking dead new frontier it was supposed to come out today on all systems
Minecraft on ultra resolution +texture pack
Looks a little too much like I Am Setsuna
This is why playstation is winning the console wars right now. They put a lot more faith in Japanese games, whereas Xbox tend to stay far away from them, focusing instead on American made games. Problem is, a lot of American games tend to be formulaic, too basic, whereas Japanese games tend to be more creative and fresh. I’m no fanboy, but I do think this is a factor in the console wars.