Kick & Fennick tells the story of a young boy named Kick who finds himself waking up in a bright and colorful, yet dangerous world. Armed with a giant gun that can be used to shoot down enemy robots, while also allowing him to make huge jumps using the weapon’s powerful recoil, Kick searches for a way to the highest tower in the city to find a new energy core for Fennick, his helpful flying robot friend. Together they must explore this strange, new world, jumping and shooting their way through 45 levels of collapsed skyscrapers, treadmills, bouncypads, magnets, teleporters, and a big guard robot that is never far behind!
Copyright © Abstraction Games
that’s another vita game put on consoles
This game was meh on vita. Good but nothing memorable
Oh boy – bootleg Ratchet and Clank!
Why do we have a fascination of being a lab rat in some large destroyed
looking lab? Or maybe we just want portal 3, but that gun the kid is
carrying is huge.
This is Portal combined with Sonic Boom and Ratchet and Clank
Another title doesn’t want to die with us on vita island. It is now dead to
me. Instant delete, and anyone interested it’s not that good.
E10 haven’t seen than in a while