Hunted and alone, a boy finds himself drawn into the center of a dark project.
INSIDE, the follow up to Playdead’s 2010 title LIMBO, comes to Playstation 4 on August 23.
Rated Mature: Violence, Blood and gore
Worst trailer
I like thes
Playstation can you freaking make red dead redemption remaster plźzzzzzzz
Another Xbox “exclusive”
lol reveal they say
well, that was quick
Salve Área 42
this looks so bad
I want this in PSplus games please ! ( I played Limbo it was fun)
how is this a masterpiece ? its boring just like limbo
I can’t wait to become a game developer so I can HOPEFULLY ask permission
to remake one of my favorite hero games from the PS2 Era. My favorite
Marvel character of all time. The Punisher.
This game is in my top 10 list. Such strangeness.
if IGN said: ït”s a masterpiece”then it must be true.
I didn’t want to watch anything for this game because I had a feeling it
would come out for ps4. So glad I did!
great another 2D game
Yes yes !
Only On Xbox
Thankfully the achievement list didn’t leak and spoil the surprise!Phew!
still dont understand the ending
Adored Limbo, played this, and wasn’t a fan.
finally come to PS4!Must buy game
and suddenly people same people who said its just 2D game now they are so
much happy and full of join. when you guys gonna learn that real gamers
love and appreciate games where ever they find it ? real gamers cares about
each game and judge each game according to how good it is not in which
I would’ve bought this if it launched for both systems simultaneously, now
I’ll give it a try when it’s free for PS+.
Xbox mil grau tá de luto hoje
Mmm playstation, you are going to give Limbo as gift? In XboxOne and PC was
a gift by the release of Inside :s
Suck It XBONER!!
No exclusives for you
Kotaku review!! seriously Sony? Kotaku? seriously?
Good! I’ve been wanting to get inside!
Well that was much quicker than the time it took to bring Limbo and
Bastion. Still,not really my cup of tea. A bit too unsettling for me
Not too long from now, I am so excited 😀 phew, almost got worried there
when it only launched for Xbox One and Steam.
can’t wait till INSIDE is OUT
Wow, this title looks amazing! Never heard of it till now.
Was this trailer to epic for this game? (:
More Indie games. Woo. Remember when triple A games were a thing
Loved Limbo, was so hyped for this when it was announced ages ago but
pissed when it was announced an XB1 exclusive, I didn’t watch any walk
through’s hope it would be released on ps4 in the near future and I’m so
happy and hyped to play it!
Rise Of The Tomb Raider.
Dead Raising Remastered.
Dead Raising 4.
And now this!!! 😉
We want more Xbox one exclusives , Microsoft 😀
But you won’t have any of our games , XBots :)
Well that was quick
Finished this over at my friend’s house on his XB1…
Surprisingly, neither of us were ecstatic about the game after we finished
What was all the fuss about???
Agreed it was a good game while it lasted, by its no GOTY as many made it
to be…
Maybe the excessive hype killed the experience for me…
Oh and Playdead, this would be a fine and possibly more special game if it
were to come to the Vita :)
Великолепная игра. В стиме купил и здесь точно куплю.
This game was honestly exceptional
Der Teaser gibt wenig Informationen darüber, um was für ein Game es sich
genau handeln wird. Aber so soll es ja auch sein, ich bin gespannt, auf das
Spiel 😉 schöner Trailer
Only xbox exclusive to get a 10 on ig.. oh nevermind
Now this is a Ps Plus worthy game.
I knew I should’ve waited! This game was the only reason I even dusted off
my Xbone. Oh well, it was an awesome game. A great follow up to Limbo.
I’m so happy!!!
I hate this game
well that didn’t take long
la exclusiva temporal mas corta que he visto. La generación del Marketing
It better be half price because it’s an old game now
I thought it was a Microsoft exclusive
nice pre order nowww :)
if they announced it sooner, I’d not buy not day one on PC.
Oh wel, 🙂
recommanded to all Limbo enjoyers, improves on all aspects except
puzzle-difficulty, replayability and duration :-p
just bought Abzu last night and now inside? ohhh yeahhh…
you die at the end
More Greatness for the Almighty Ps4.
That’s one heck of an accolades trailer. Must…play