Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds – All Pigment Locations

Published on November 14, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Horizon Zero Dawn The Frozen Wilds DLC Expansion. These are the locations of all 9 Pigments. Finding all pigments will earn you the All Pigments Found trophy. You can exhange the pigments for reward boxes from Sekuli in Song’s Edge

#1 Light Salt 0:48
#2 Medium Oxide 1:16
#3 Light Crystal 1:47
#4 Dark Oxide 2:13
#5 Light Oxide 2:38
#6 Dark Crystal 3:22
#7 Dark Salt 4:36
#8 Medium Salt 5:08
#9 Medium Crystal 5:45

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

All trophies obtained (Platinum)
Obtained all Horizon Zero Dawn trophies.

Stealth killed 10 machines (Bronze)
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines.

3 Strikes From Above (Bronze)
Killed 3 enemies using the Strike from Above skill.

Tore off 10 components (Bronze)
Detached 10 components from machines during combat.

10 Vulnerable machine kills (Bronze)
Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while frozen.

Tore off 5 heavy weapons (Bronze)
Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat.

Headshot 30 human enemies (Bronze)
Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them.

Downed 23 Grazer dummies (Bronze)
Found and knocked over all of the Grazer training dummies in the Nora region.

First Modification (Bronze)
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.

Reached level 10 (Bronze)
Reached player level 10.

Reached level 25 (Bronze)
Reached player level 25.

Reached level 40 (Bronze)
Reached player level 40.

Reached level 50 (Bronze)
Reached player level 50.

All Skills learned (Bronze)
Learned all available skills.

New Game+ Completed (Bronze)
Completed a New Game+ playthrough on any difficulty.

Ultra Hard Completed (Silver)
Completed a New Game+ playthrough on Ultra Hard difficulty.

All Quests completed (Silver)
Completed all side quests and errands in the Frozen Wilds.

All Activities completed (Silver)
Completed the Tallneck, Bandit Camp and Hunting Ground in the Cut.

First Spear Modification (Bronze)
Applied a modification to your spear.

5 Dismount Strikes (Bronze)
Killed 5 enemies using the Dismount Strike skill.

5 Machine Types Repaired (Bronze)
Used the Machine Repair or Mount Repair skill on 5 different types of machine.

Killed 15 Scorchers (Bronze)
Killed 15 Scorcher machines.

Killed 10 Frostclaws (Bronze)
Killed 10 Frostclaw machines.

Killed 6 Fireclaws (Bronze)
Killed 6 Fireclaw machines.

All Control Towers disabled (Bronze)
Disabled all Control Towers by overriding or destroying them.

All Pigments Found (Bronze)
Found all of the Pigments in the Cut.

All Animal Figurines found (Bronze)
Found all of the Animal Figurines in the Cut.

First Bluegleam Trade (Bronze)
Traded Bluegleam for a special weapon or outfit.

All Frozen Wilds Skills (Bronze)
Learned all of the new skills in the Frozen Wilds.

Reached Level 60 (Silver)
Reached player level 60.

Completed the Second Expedition (Bronze)
Successfully assaulted Thunder’s Drum.

Conquered the Mountain (Silver)
Drove out the threat within the mountain.

Drained the Flood (Bronze)
Completely drained the floodwater from inside the Greycatch.

Won Ikrie’s Challenge (Bronze)
Met Ikrie again at the Snowchants Hunting Ground and took first place in her challenge.

Fully Improved Weapons (Silver)
Acquired the improved versions of three weapons from Varga.

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