In a world where Machines are the dominant species that rule over Earth, humans regress into tribes and fight to survive. But when did the humans fall as the ruling species and how did we get there?
Created by Gurerrilla Games, it’s engrossing graphics and ferocious machines have everyone eagerly waiting for its release on February 28, 2017. Don’t miss out. Pre-order your copy today!
©2016 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment America LLC.
Developed by Guerrilla.
I have high hopes for HZD, but I’m a bit worried that PlayStation is
putting too much stock into the game. Like what they did with 1886 and the
last Killzone game.
can I have a ps4 pro for free because I want it for free for new years day
Look at 53:32
Angry old day.
Who is hype for the year or Horizon Zero Dawn
Look at 900:29
You lying scum! where’s our PS plus games? We aren’t just paying for online
on the indiestation 4
It’s 2017 yesterday here.
Happy year people!!!!
From the Ebony Army we wish you a Happy New Year!
i love this game
I miss 2016 already
Im scared i might die soon because were all getting older nd older and dont
know where we go when we die im scared.
Hel YES!
A Preorder bonus only at Gamestop? So it’s literally an American exclusive
item? That’s pretty stupid, Preorder bonuses are already stupid enough in
I’m gone be dead by that time 2100
Who’s already misses 2016?
Omg 2017 is going to be amazing. My wallet is ready!!
Guess the power outage happened early on. Around 2020 for the games
Horizon Zero Dawn delayed to 3017…
yo solo quiero que quiten el ps plus :v
Happy New Years Everyone and i’m so hyped for Horizon Zero Dawn 2017 is the
year of PlayStation greatness awaits.
I liked the video then I realized I ruined the 666 likes my bad
Happy new year everybody :), im excited because this weekend im getting my
PS4 and im ready for the 2017
xbox is the best box
I almost freaked out when it moved from 2017 to 2018. But then I saw what
they were doing and thought, “oh, good. it’s delayed to the year 3000. I’ll
be dead by then”
Esse jogo tem alguma influência de “A máquina do tempo” do escritor H. G.
Quick on the advertising eh?
horizon takes place a 1000 years into the future.
a la verga V:
All of those new games and ideas I am happy to be a gamer
Happy New year
Happy 2017! Here’s hoping Spider-Man PS4 gets released this year
Horizon GOTY Dawn
o loko meu
so it will come out about 1000 years or what?
only 1000 years for the world to be at peace again. when all human life is
vanquished, and there are only perfect, flawless beings.
Thought they delayed it another year lol.
Sony cancelled the emoji movie?
Oh boi 2017 is starting to look great
Happy new year guys
Happy New Years PlayStation :)
This was original and unique, good commercial !
Is that really when the game takes place?
I can’t wait for this game to come out. I think it’s going to be as big as
the last guardian
When vi this until I fell not is because!
Hello Dazzle Shorts!!!
Bruh y couldn’t the game come out 1/1/17
we all Going To Die By Sony Soon. ..
A happy new year to all
I’m not the only one who found the sudden change in the 2020s kind of
ominous, right?
So glad I got myself a ps4
Won’t be long dead before with which dead year
i gotta wait that long ? sucka……
Goal of 2017: Fap more than 4 times a day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When can we played the demo ??
3001 año de salida del juego?
Can’t wait for 3017 to play this game
Meanwhile Xbox One, Sea of Thieves
such a clever trailer
We all hope 2017 will be a better year for the world. #PrayForTheWorld
I can’t be the only one that doesn’t see the hype that people have
generated for this game.
Happy new year’s everyone.
Looks like Horizon Zero is coming sooner than Kingdom Hearts 3
It takes place in 3017? Neat.
Fingeres crossed this game doesnt get a downgrade for the PS4.
I just can’t wait for Spider-Man game and Movie
easter eggs?
If the game is released in 3017 my grand, grand… grand children will play
it on PS 504 Neo+ in 400K at 200fps
Release Date: 02/28/2017 not 3017
if you lower the speed you can see the exact date of when it is based. its
1000 years from now in 3017
para esa fecha saldrá
more like 2017 trailer
Happy new years my fellow gamers!!!
The game is not gonna be out till 3017
I thought the game was getting delayed until 2018!!!! Bruuuuh
I am the only one that was not at a party?
I would pre order but my account got banned
scorpio is coming….
awesome , I can’t wait to play this game in the year 3017, I hope the game
is not delayed…
Happy New Year!!!
TRUMP era has begun. Sony moves all of it’s PlayStation factories to the
I’m hyped for this game it looks awsome