A scene from upcoming PlayStation 4 title Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice from Ninja Theory.
In this scene Ninja Theory reveal a new look for Senua based on their aim to make her one of the most believable characters ever seen in a video game.
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© 2016 Ninja Theory Ltd.
hellblade voice actor will you marry me
queremos um novo god of war (Br)
Looks better than what we saw last time, but i’m still not too sure. I’m
just gonna wait until i see new gameplay trailers.
me want more gameplay
Not often we get a AAA indie game, but it is.
This is the opposite of Heavenly Sword… english voice…not impressed
omg!!!! that trailer duddddddddddddeeeeeee!!!
thumbs up!
Excelent… In ninja theory i trust
what better then crazy chicks
Horizon Zero Dawn expansion ?
Why AWLAYS English accents? Our obsession with the British Pfff smfh! You
know we’re capable of understanding other ethnicities and accents.
Ninja theory does an amazing job with character performances in their games
and this looks to continue that!
still no release date wtf
Anyone get flashbacks to when nariko spoke to the camera during the
intermissions in heavenly sword? Coz this is really similar
i wish this game was more colourful like enslaved odyssey to the west.
This is what I call a creative game !
O.o (só comentei isso porque não sei escrever em inglês #triste ;-;)
theres a lot of games this gen with female leads. feminism is winning,
though i dont mind since my favorite video game character is samus aran.
God I’m so ready for this game, give us a release date asap :D
Movie or game ?
Been following this for quite a while. Looking forward to it.
is this the intro to a Hardstyle song
Duuuuudeeeeee…. I HAVE to play this!!!
A fancy trailer with no gameplay doesn’t make a good game. Don’t get your
hopes up people
Did they fix the combat? That is the main issue with this game.
Make her like Lara and we riot
Here’s your triple A title you goddamn whiners.
Please take as much time as needed, Ninja Theory. This trailer is OD!!!
It looks so much better than it did before :D
Also that demonic voice sounds like steven hartley (Eredin from the witcher
just waaaawww
her face changed
This looks awesome. Ninja Theory is such an underrated developer, they make
really gripping stories with great characters and this looks to continue
that. Enslaved was an amazing game, I hope this comes out sometime soon
Please ark?
She looks like a female version of Braveheart.
I like see this game more
Is this that zombie game or the heavenblade sequel?
crazy Viking chick?
crazy Viking chick?
gameplay? story? no? ok….
Salty xboners disliking this epic trailer lol another one they ain’t
getting lmao
amazing sound design i Felt like she was standing behind me at the start
can’t tell if it’s an idie game cause all the idie videos they post up. jk
looks great.
I hope they make another DMC
Hellblade gonna be awesome. I’m ready for hack & slash action.
I hate trailers like this
This is exactly like Heavenly Sword. Even the titles are similar. I hope
they improved their combat mechanics, coz NT’s mechanics are not really top
Looks like Witcher with an awry Dark Souls feel. I’m excited!
Ninja theory is garbage…
Epic games=hype
Looking at the animation, it’s amazing this game is indie
just woow
Rasta merda
They changed Senua’s look in this trailer. Either or it’s really good. I’ve
been following this game since their development journals. Come on Ninja
Theory give us a release date!!!!
ninja theory…?…. oh well.
was that a younger version of the character?
Did they change her face?
Sorry to say but the new face really put me off. I prefer the original one
shown in the teaser trailers way more but i guess thats just me
the facial animation tho
is this gonna be in heavenly sword universe?
subititle pt-br please
why did they change her face……you thought we wouldn’t notice, but we
A game play trailer would be nice.
Hey cool she looks different than the chick from Heavenly Blade now lol
Wait, am I actually seeing signs of plagiarism in this?
The graphics are amazing. Looks photo real
watch this with headphones, SERIOUSLY!
WoW so beautiful !! is this really coming to PC 🙂 ?
il ya pas des français ou quoi
After This, Ninja Theory’s Going To Make a Sequel To DMC :)
wow watching this trailer with headphones was amazing.
Man, her face changed so much. Impressive facial capture as always Ninja
Theory, congrats!
Crazy how far they have come from Heavenly Sword to this… Which looks to
be the complete opposite… Looks amazing. Hope the gameplay is tons
they really don’t want to mske a good looking character….
Visit Nijna Theory’s official YouTube channel, you will find some amazing
developer diaries there, in fact there are so many of them to keep you
occupied for an hour or two. What a lovely day! PS VR launch news yesterday
and along with it comes the array of awesome new game trailers with
believable characters and artistic worlds. I can proudly say, I am one
among those most satisfied PS4 owners out there.
farcry ninjas
Hopefully it will be a cool game
Ok we get it. Great graphics and facial animation, but what about gameplay?
is there is a gameplay video for this game ?
Man, the stereo effect on this trailer is really intense, also the part
when she notices you and directly looks at you. I certainly couldn’t handle
that game in VR haha
her massive overbite is killing me. why couldn’t you just keep charlize
the game looks really interesting, hope it plays less like infinity blade
Wow, the sounds are amazing.
This looks visually gorgeous, what’s amazing is that it’s not being
developed by the traditional AAA sized team, it’s just a handful of people
at Ninja Theory.
Goes to show what intelligent use of time and resources can achieve.
I can’t wait to see more of this!
This looks a lot better than the last trailer we saw
Oh man this was done live during Epic’s GDC session. Looks Spectacular.
Liked the old face better…
Nice. A schizophrenia simulator.
new wifey
This looks amazing <3 I didn't like Dmc and I had troubles to play Heavenly
Sword, but I loved Enslaved <3 All these games I played already. I'm
excited for Hellblade!! I sure will buy it and support them CB