Flynn, a young pirate, decides to begin a perilous quest in search for the most valuable of treasures: Captain Freckles’ sword. But, to his surprise, the sword is possessed by the old captain’s spirit. Now both of them will have to face the dangers of the island and the curse that rests upon the treasure.
© 2017-2018 Rookie Hero Games S.L. All rights reserved. Developed and published by Rookie Hero Games S.L.
Flynn and Freckles and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Rookie Hero Games S.L.
All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
Really fun game. I wrote the review over on SquareXO – the review which comes up when you google the game 🙂
I’m glad it’s finally coming to America though.
Ehhh no thanks.
It’s like a 3D Guybrush Threepwood
Looks sort of like RIME? wich I loved.
Yo man this s*** look better than sea of Thieves
Kind of like windwaker
Doesn’t Seem Like An PS4 Game But Graphic Doesn’t Matter I Am Getting This Game Now…
this was made with an chewing gum
I’m a Mighty Pirate
Reminds me of Treasure Planet.
ps2 graphics
ps2 time has returned.
I dare to say this game looks fun
He appears to look like that Toon Link from the Legend of Zelda with ships.
Cute 😀