The evil Shinra corporation rules the world with an iron fist and continues to spin its web of lies. Have the rebels, known as Avalanche, bitten off more than they can chew?
Get your first look at Shinra’s agents, the Turks; powerful summons, Ifrit and Shiva; and much more in this trailer from Tokyo Game Show 2019.
Can’t wait to see Aerith die again in HD
Take my money!
I’m so ready for this <3
Got 2 deluxe editions pre-ordered! 😀
It’s still a PS4 Exclusive based on this trailer.
To those so called writers who speculate that this will be release to other platform especially on PC, dream on unless Square offically announced it.
Well for the time. cry Xbox and PC Fanboyz.
Still more fighting…!!!!!
Cloud still best girl.
It’s a shame Quentin Flynn is not reprising his role as Reno :/
Combat gameplay keep me VERY WORRIED!
Can’t wait!! Where’s Vincent Valentine?
Please remake ff9 …
Best game
real man. should be like cloud , always looks cold
1:14 My new laptop wallpaper !
0:13 Let’s lay down some rubber
Whoever disliked hates video games
I love Final Fantasy games and this one I am really excited for.
Epic Gold!
The ending of the trailer was very fitting for September 11th.
Buy the Aerith lives DLC at a low price of 39.99!!!!!!!!!! Pre order and get the red dress skin!!!!!!!!!!
This looks amazing.
Glad to see Jesse being more involved
Behold the greatest final fantasy ever
Cinematics! Cinematics! that’s what I loved final fantasy! Feels like they did this right unlike the other ff they did
This is like a dream…
Yeah I’m getting this
Please SquareEnix just give us the classic battle system not this action button mashing nonsense! Please!
Also, stop censoring everything!!!
They should make dlc and you play as Zach. That would be fire!!!
I wonder if that Soldier maybe a new character exclusive to this version of the game.
what’s wrong with a game being turn based…? why can’t it just be turn based…?
When you nut and she keeps sucking for 2 minutes and 49 seconds…
Im actually gonna nut
They turned the weeb to 11 in this.
Это шикарно! Благо мне не надо знать английский, так как, в своё время затёр до дыр эту игру на пс1)))
Like they had to say every characters name just in case, so cringe.
That does not sound like the reno I know.
StudioFOW: 1:14 Guys i have an idea for a new project…
Easy now
What a manic trailer. Cool tho
Still no Zack Fair flashbacks
Freaking amazing!!!
Don of the slums!
The game where we have to start as a terrorist and then we got framed for murder of hundreds or even thousands of people. And then some mindblowing things happen… Ohhh the sweet sweet memories
Cat Sith and Red 13???
tifa is too skinny and muscular, i prefer the dissidia ver can be more sexiest
I never played a ff before …So do I need to ?? Before I get this game …
아… 시바 못기다리겠어…
Cloud <3 Tifa
Never played a ff game… should I? And which should I start with? I actually own 15 but heard it’s not the best. Don’t even have it downloaded.
Crank dat souja boy yooouuu
Aerith is so gorgeous !!!
And this is only a fraction of the game!
Aerith not gonna die in the remake.
Spoiler alert: No matter how hard you fight, in the end she still die…
Cross dressah
Reno is a badass.
no steam ? :p meh
1:06 …Was that Mark Hamill?
What a time to be alive!
NIIIIIIIIIIICE They didnt forgot the don Corneo phase with Cloud dressed as a girl!!!! Can’t WAIT ANYMORE FOR THIS ONE!!! Where did i put my time machine to get there already!!!
Birdie from street fighter v confirmed lol
Yeah…the Japanese voice acting sounds so much better. Hope they give the option for Japanese dialogue with English subtitles
time to dress up cloude in style
I can’t wait for this game to come out and everyone is reminded that this remake is episodic.
I wonder if the summon materia will be explained or if we just got to wonder how it all of a sudden its in midgar all of a sudden
I need this
If this comes to the Switch, The only language avaible would be japanse with really bad english subtitles.
Also with only 2 boss theme.
(Jokes aside, looks so amazing, I am not a fan of FF at all but I would play this when it comes!)
But what about the SUMMONS!!!!
Hope its alot better than ff13 and 15 i couldnt finish em. They were so boring
It looks perfect!!!
Transliterated as Aeris Gainsborough in the English releases of Final Fantasy VII. So we wont be hearing English translation of names since the production team have pre recorded the characters voices. I bet they’ve ruined it.
0:20 is that a new character? I don’t recognize him. 0.0
So wait… it’s not episodic anymore?
All the chills…
hyped but at the same time bummed that its all just midgar. seeing this makes me want to see the world of Gaia even more.
I can’t believe this is happening! I think im in a coma and this is all a dream.
Beautiful and Awesome and amazing
Yeah..!!! Cornelio is Back..!!
Aerith on the left hand while tifa on the right hand, How lucky is cloud.
President Shinra mentions Wutai.
I wonder going on in testuya nomura haters right now
2:06 HA!
That man yeeted aris at cloud lol.
Can we get the option for the Japanese dub please ? i’d like to hear more than 1 female voice actor for all the female characters thank you.
where is squal
I’m a bit bummed out that Rude isn’t voiced by Crispin Freeman this time.
terrible terrible terrible dub
You know what I’m most excited for, cloud as a woman.
shes going to die again you know…
Do I want this?
Have I waited too long for this?
If it gets delayed again, will I still wait for it and buy it when it does finally come out?
I just want this done right.