Far Cry New Dawn – You Wont Believe This Shocking Twist Involving Joseph Seed “The Father” (PART 5)

Published on January 25, 2019 by PS4Trophies

Far Cry New Dawn Gameplay Walkthrough. This features a new Fang For Hire named Horatio. Also prosperity upgrades and the final mission of the demo with a twist ending in regards to Joseph Seed, The Father. Seventeen years after a nuclear doomsday, Hope County, Montana, has changed in unexpected ways. Nuclear winter has given way to a “superbloom,” creating a lush, colourful landscape that survivors have begun to re-populate with makeshift buildings. It’s a lawless frontier where people are struggling to get by – and you’ll be able to experience it all with a friend in co-op, or on your own as a lone gunslinger.

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

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