Fallout 4 Fastest XP Exploit – Level 50 in 30 minutes w/ Statue Crafting and Copper Duplication

Published on November 30, 2015 by PS4Trophies

New Fallout 4 XP exploit. Fastest Method. Reach level 50 in half an hour or level 264 in 12 hours. Level 264 will have all perks unlocked. This method is simply for getting xp from crafting statues using duplicated shipments of copper. You will need to find the picket fences magazines in order to build statues at your settlements.

Picket Fences Magazine locations – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoJGFhbhkB4

Credit to Pod Sanchez (Podrey) for suggesting this in my previous video

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

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  • Syler82 9 years ago

    wow this is nice!!!

  • Pizduś 7fps 9 years ago


  • Cherry Whisper 9 years ago


  • SeKaBiLy 9 years ago

    U are the best!

  • Syler82 9 years ago

    very useful thx!

  • ÆRØ ŒM 9 years ago

    anyone know how to get mama murphy out of the ceiling? she has been there
    since the beginning of the game and im already level 45

    also, that duplication never woks for me.

  • Doongie4ever 9 years ago

    That’s one hell of a exploit I’ll give it a shot on my 3rd through.

  • ShootTheRainbow7 9 years ago

    Can you do more than five to speed up the process?

  • Tom Ignarra 9 years ago


  • Trevell Macgibbon 9 years ago

    I’m disappointed in this channel

  • james231995 9 years ago

    All I see on this channel right now is xp glitches.

  • LookForThetruth11 9 years ago

    i recomend playing the game first the real way cause the challenge is a big
    part of the fun. but for a second playthrough this is great.

  • Jerrycrazywheels 9 years ago

    Get patch when the first dlc come out lol.

  • The Only Bane 9 years ago

    Y’all take the fun out of everything ffs

  • Backseat Gaming 9 years ago

    What happened to actually playing the game? lol who boosts in a single
    player game, shit is pathetic.

  • Jiggle Wizard 9 years ago

    I love it, having an op save to mess around with helps keep an already big
    game entertaining for longer, obviously having a non glitch save is the
    best way to play. but don’t judge the glitches its fun to set up and reap
    the rewards XD

  • StrayDisciple 9 years ago

    Why fill up your settlement with statues? Why not just create just one then
    do the scrap/recreate cycle with it?

  • Andrew Wilson 9 years ago

    for someone whos back catalog is huge and who has two jobs, this helps me.
    Thanks, man

  • Don Corleone 9 years ago

    aint nobody got time for that

  • Skye Lisio 9 years ago

    Does it only work for PlayStation

  • Demonk1ller10 9 years ago

    Brian, any tips for lovable? its my last one, and I’m having so much
    trouble getting it for some reason

  • M4TRIXed 9 years ago

    Anyone knows his PSN account?
    I wanna see his trophies lol

  • The Gaming Project 9 years ago

    Duplication doesn’t work at all

  • Dyla M 9 years ago

    Can someone write a text guide of what he did to dupe the materials

  • Savant 9 years ago

    To dupe mats, get at least 1 shipment of copper. Go to a workstation, preferaby not at your main hub. Then Empty everything out of the workstation. Then dump all your junk items into a container (not the work benchh), except the shipment. Keep that. Now, with an empty work benchh and only the shipment as your junk inventory, face the workbench and quicksave. Then, hit X (transfer button) to open the bench inventory. Now, here’s the tricky part, you need to hit the “store all junk” and then “take all” buttons back to back, but not too too fast. I do store all, wait .2 seconds, take all. A normal click click, nothing forced. If it works, the bench’s inventory will close. You will have the copper and the shipment of copper now in your inventory. Rinse repeat. I quicksave every 5-7 dupes in case I mess up. I also used dogmeat to dupe the shipment of copper 10 times. I get 250 copper each time I do the dupe, really speeds things up.

    Important to remember: clear all items from workbench, only have the shipment of (material) and the actual material. Having any other junk messes it up. Arturo in Diamond City sells shipment of copper and so does K-Leo in goodneighbor. It works on their workbenches too.

  • Sean 9 years ago

    How much copper do you need to get to level 264? I started out at roughly level 33 and used 36000 copper to get to level 66.


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