EASY Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered Veteran Mile High Club Glitch – Earn Veteran on Recruit

Published on March 5, 2019 by PS4Trophies

Play all Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered missions on recruit difficulty until you reach the final checkpoint in a mission, including Mile High Club. Once you reach the final checkpoint, hit pause and select Save and Quit. Select the same mission again and choose Veteran difficulty. Within a second of the game starting to load, close the application. Close it by holding the PS button and select close. Be very quick. Now relaunch the game and select resume. The game will have changed the difficulty to veteran but also keep your checkpoint. Normally the game restarts the mission from the beginning. If it didn’t work, most likely you didn’t close the app quick enough.

Steps (confirmed on current 1.14 patch)
1 – Reach final checkpoint on recruit difficulty
2 – pause, then save and exit
3 – select mission and change difficulty to veteran
4 – the moment it starts loading, close the application
5 – relaunch game and select resume
6 – finish the mission from final checkpoint on Veteran

Final Checkpoint locations as listed by bLaKgRaVy at the following https://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/5875496-post7.html

Note – F.N.G, The Coup and Aftermath don’t need need to be done on veteran.


Crew Expendable (“The Package”)
The final checkpoint triggers when you are back in your helicopter and are flying away from the ship.

Act I

Blackout (“The Rescue”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when you are on the second floor of the house with your night vision goggles on, as you are killing your final enemies just before you reach Nikolai.

Charlie Don’t Surf (“The Search”)
– The final checkpoint triggers as you exit the room with all the TVs, enter the lobby and run up the stairs to cross the roof to breach the final door.

The Bog (“The Bog”)
– The final checkpoint triggers after you destroy the ZPU anti-aircraft gun but before you are tasked with planting the IR beacon for air support. There will be minor fighting involved at this point while you wait for the helicopter to destroy the building.

Hunted (“The Escape”)
– After you destroy the helicopter with the Stinger and exit the building, as you’re walking, a voice over will say there’s an AC-130 entering the airspace, triggering the checkpoint.

Death From Above (“The Escape”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when Capt. Price announces that they’ve reached the LZ but are taking fire from all sides.

War Pig (“The Bog”)
– After War Pig destroys the tank that is coming down the street, effectively ending the mission, run up the street between two buildings towards the LZ and wait for the helicopter to pick you up. Either as you are making your way to the LZ or while you are waiting for pickup, the checkpoint will trigger.

Shock and Awe (“The First Horseman”)
– The final checkpoint triggers after you’ve rescued the pilot from the downed helicopter and your helicopter is lifting off.

Act II

Safehouse (“The Second Horseman”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when you approach the final house that Al-Asad is in and Capt. Price opens the door and throws a flashbang.

All Ghillied Up (“The Shot”)
– After you see the wild dog, enter the building and run up the stairs. As you are walking along the corridor with the open area to the right, you will trigger the final checkpoint of the mission.

One Shot, One Kill (“The Shot”)
– The final checkpoint triggers about halfway through the last battle when an enemy helicopter arrives to drop more troops. You have to survive until your helicopter arrives for extraction. 😢

Heat (“The Third Horseman”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when you are extracting and reach the bottom of the hill; you have to hold out until the helicopters arrive.

The Sins of the Father (“The Third Horseman”)
– The final checkpoint triggers just before you climb up the last flight of stairs which leads to the roof where Zakhaev’s son is.


Ultimatum (“The Ultimatum”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when you’ve completed the battle around the buildings and are running down the path to meet with the American sniper team.

All In (“The Ultimatum”)
– The final checkpoint triggers after you destroy the two tanks and after your team cuts away the vents for you to rappel down.

No Fighting in the War Room (“The Ultimatum”)
– The final checkpoint triggers after you’ve infiltrated the war room, uploaded the abort codes and when you get out of the elevator and head to the vehicle depot.

Game Over (“The Fourth Horseman”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when you’re lying on the bridge and Zakhaev is walking towards you. When the enemy helicopter is destroyed, you will get the checkpoint.

Mile High Club (“Mile High Club”)
– The final checkpoint triggers when you reach the hostage taker and you have four seconds to shoot him.

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