Embark on a journey to save the beautiful world of Umbra, a harsh planet that stopped spinning thousands of cycles ago. What started as a mission to rescue
Amon’s uncle from the clutches of an ancient cult, soon spirals into an adventure that was centuries in the making. You must bring together this group of unlikely heroes to stop the ruinous past from repeating itself. EARTHLOCK is a re-release of the original Earthlock: Festival of Magic that came out in early 2017. This extended edition features reworked story line, fleshed out characters, additional side quests and additional areas to explore.
Gameplay: Meh
Soundtrack: Amazing
Positive Games And Indie Games Deserve This Spotlight,No Agendas,Just A Quest,A Full Game,No Chapters Coming Out Later,Just A Very Well Passionate Game,From Someones Heart,Not They’re Pockets,Support And Let They’re Dream Come True
Nice game
A RPG for after the Revenant Kingdom.
Was this announced at gdc?
Hey looks more final fantasy than final fantasy XV.
Playstation wird immer langweiliger, macht echt nicht mehr soviel Spaß wie früher. Viel zu viele Spiele mit langweiligem Video Schnickschnack und dummen Gameplay.
I thought this was already out ages ago??
This game for free in play stasion 4 ?
Wow you guys are amazing
I want this game
Not a fan of simple turn based RPGs, but it is pretty.
This looks like nier automata and Final fantasy fused together.
Need, Now.
It was boring then and they want us to rebuy it? I’d have given it a second chance if it was a free update or even highly discounted.
I need healing
I heard about the ps5
Games I want for the PlayStation
1. Cuphead
2. The Touhou series and what I mean is the actual danmaku games (if you cant than that’s fine I understand)
That’s it that’s all I want. You dont want to.
Guys did u like PlayStation so also visit my channal
You know what I gotta hand it to SOEDESCO and Co. they been putting out some decent stuff out I pretty much have almost all there titles. Looking forward to more Earthlock.
Classic rpg
this game is so garbage lol
So cute.
Please launch H1Z1
Well…. I like the music is amazing but the game…. If you put that game (in the new PSVITA for this year if you do a new PSVITA) put it in there but I don’t think that so much people will support this game on PS4 and the new PSVITA if you do a new PSVITA obviously…
Is this a ps2 game?
Will the standard version be updated to this?
I was gonna say this game has been out I bought it on sale last year. Now when I go to this extended edition it just says download. So it’s free to me