Check out the latest Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot trailer featuring Majin Buu and The Great Saiyaman. Pre-Order your copy of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot on PlayStation 4 today!
Published on September 11, 2019 by PS4Trophies
Category Trailers
Tag Action adventure Anime Bandai Goku Kakarot majin buu Namco
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6 years ago3745219
Cool it’s comes out on my birthday and my off day!
Why not include Dragon Ball and all of the Z movies? Would be crazy if they introduced Heros/Xenoverse content in it as well.
I hope we get the sacred ointment as a usable training item in-game
and people said it won’t reach the buu saga smh
Agh kakarot era, where power actually made sense. Next to dragonball where marital arts was the real core
Super as DLC Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Saga majinboo :v/
Where’s the PlayStation store preorder option?
Cringy af
I hope you get a dlc that implements blood later.
To be continued implies we might somehow get even more story. I’m already very satisfied with driving and up to buu. If they do post game as kid Goku in dragon ball, easiest day 1 buy.
Wow! Early access training?! You can’t get better then that! 😀
No seriously, you can’t do better?
Training will be released early in the game, a one time use item which you probably can get more of… and a quest. The only thing decent is a quest which isn’t that big of a deal.
We got buu saga, will people be happy though???
All I can hear is the dbz audio leaks when great saiyaman appears… I’m sure you guys know what I’m talking about.
Cape physics..
How much storage will this game use up
It’s the time to sell my DBZ fighterZ xD
Crl q foda!
Can we get those persona 5 themed playstation to come to America
I just fainted and don’t know how I’m texting right now
This will be the BEST DBZ game then Tenkaichi 3 then everything else falls in place
That preorder figure looks super dope
GREAT SAIYAMAN! The best of Gohan
Wuatafak con la cara de goku en el minuto 45 :u 1asco man
Finally a Canon story mode!
I was so worried it wouldn’t include the Buu saga. This looks to be great!!!!
Im just excited to see yamcha die in 4k
Another great PS4 exclusive
How far are they going!
Viva España!!
Yes! Was hoping Majin Buu would be in it. I’m hoping for Super, but that may be asking for too much base content from this game
Hopefully we can get bardock special and the history of trunks and BOG and ROF
Did they really have to show us super sayain man the worst idea toriyama ever had
Oh yes right there mr popo
Not gone buy it I watch it on YouTube tho
I hope we get Dragon Ball Super content as dlc
super saiyan 3 in the game
I’m only looking at the comments to see people’s thoughts on female jeice
make this offline spilt screen you still have time!!!!!
Wonder if they add the Beerus and Resurrection of F for DLC
Que este en audio español…….
Nutted so hard I might need some Senzu beans so I don’t die
Yes. Yes. And more yes. Buu saga baby!
The trailer shows to much of the story
Oh yeah ima buy this the Re-releases of the dragon ball z shows in the box on walmart stands might be trash but this is gold!!!
Just keep this far away from Super
Awesome, hopefully the game is very long and not repetitive
They need to add kid gokus story
I hope this goes up to the tournament of power in dragon ball super…that would be SICK
Meh. Why release another ducking dbz game when we already have FighterZ? Oh wait Bandai of course
oh look, they’re rehashing the ‘play through the whole DB/DBZ/GT/Super/Etc’ story game… AGAIN.
Do I get any sacred ointment if I preorder?
Now if we can get those funimation dubs that leaked we’ll be in business
More talking than fighting I’m sure
Buus fury…
Wow another DBZ game yay
The eyes on Goku and Gohan look really weird in the collector’s edition
They’ve been selling the same game for decades.
I’d want to be hyped but it’s honestly the same thing as every other dragon ball game;
• Progress through saiyen saga
• Progress through Frieza saga
• Progress through Cell saga
• Progress through Buu saga
• Credits
Like honestly, the only two dbz games that brought something new were Xenoverse and Fighterz, smh
January 17, 2020?!! I cannot wait! I’m hoping this’ll be better than fighterZ if I’m being really honest. As much of an awesome game that is!
So pre-ordering gives you nothing exclusive. Great!
If only there was a DBZ Abridged voice pack.
This is just legacy of goku 1, 2 and buu’s Fury in one game
I really hate Goku and Gohan’s voices
Goku better say “YOU FOOL” when he kills Frieza!
2 things:
– dafuk’s wrong with Goku at 0:45
– Am I the only one thinking the Great Saiyaman’s costume looks sooooo off? Like graphically speaking it just looks bad . Really bad compared to everything else idk why
The dinosaur farted out goku and gohan in the diorama
Pause at 0:45
My guess is it will go to Battle of Gods at least
It will shock me if this reached into the super broly movie with the last cutscene ending with goku calling himself as kakarot to broly, hence the name of the game DB Kakarot
You have to dumb to dislike this game
Why they always have to repeat the DBZ series, why not try super for a change? Still getting that collectors edition though.
I’m just tired of going through DBZ again and again in games. I would like to see either DBS or original story
Dont preorder.
What is this like the eighth game i play through the DBZ story..pfff of course im gonna play it again.
Boi I can’t wait for Raditz to die for the 400th time.
ooo this looks intereseting the DBZ buu saga, tournament saga,
Dude we need future gohan instead of this gohan
I don’t believe there will be a super dlc, but my friends and i were talking about possible movie dlcs like broly or cooler.