Celebrating its 15th Anniversary, the Digimon franchise makes its faithful return to PlayStation™ systems in true RPG form in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth.
In Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, scan, raise, and train your faithful Digimon companions to battle by your side in classic, turn-based battles! Become a detective and gather clues to solve a strange phenomenon infecting the real & digital worlds.
© Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation.
Game © 2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
English voiced trailer… but Japanese voiced english subtites game… Okay
then. I never wanted English dub anyway… T_T
Digimon es pokemon del playstation xD
That “detective” could use a another button on that shirt.
Still waiting for a proper digimon world next gen sequel
it’s just seems weird like it just doesn’t feel the same who agrees
I hope this game will get a lot of support to make possible the comeback
from Digimon to the consoles, that would be awesome! Hope to see Next Order
to get to the Ps4 too in the western, hopefully with another subtitles
aside from English
im sure real life cyberdetectives dress like that lol
Is Digimon still a thing?
This game looks BEAUTIFUL
Since I don’t have a ps4, my vita will finally get the dust off, wooo,
digimon. Hope Renamon is in this, it’s my favorite.
Wait…was that Hibiki from Devil Survivor 2 there at 1:00?
raise your hand if you like digimon, ok now raise your hand if you think I
should die in a hole
I didn’t know that the Digimon series still existed. This looks pretty
Aw, Digimon and Boobs…..I’m in heaven now lol
Does any know how much is it on vita?
If Bandai Namco can’t be bothered to dub the game so I can hear characters
in the LANGUAGE I SPEAK, why should I bother to buy your game?
essa porra tem chance ir pro ps3 e esses viados não lançam vai toma no cu
Can’t wait to get this on the #psvitamasterrace
Yeahhhhhh!!! Petitions changed the Digital world by giving us this game in
I honestly have been waiting with baited breath for a new digimon game :3
Thank you PS :)
People who want english dubs need to go back to school if they cant read.
Got this preordered and getting it on release!!! You get Dark Cherubimon
and Beelzemon Blast mode and other extras if you preorder it ;3 Anyway it
would be nice for many people to get and support this game, so that more
Digimon games come to the west XD
meh, at least the vitas gettin some games :/
Bad trailer, I don’t know about the game.
whats the name of the music when the video begins
This is a Digimon game….
Crash Bandicoot Twinsanity. It’s when sony ?
excelente para ps vita y no ps3.
You coulda just showed us the video without narration. We know digimon
already you didn’t need to confuse us with even more exposition. Just say
“digital monsters entered our world from cyberspace.” We’d be like; “Oh,
that old digimon plot again…”
Sony wins again Dumbshit Xbots lol
“Just your average cyber detective” with nice tatas 😉 HU _HA!
Woo Digimon hype!! 2nd February cant come soon enough.
Why have an English voice over for the commercial when there’s no English
voice acting in the game?
After watching this trailer why isn’t people hyping up this game more than
Pokemon Z. I don’t even know much about Digimon but after watching this
trailer it is much more mature than Pokemon
Coming out in 2 weeks!! GET THOSE PREORDERS ON!!!
this game should be cross buy
“cyber sleuth?” thumbs down for shizzle.
ugh to many weebs games …give us a GTA port for the vita !
YES IT DUBBED. Now my friends HAVE to play it
If only this was Pokemon on psn….
That girl though
Same trailer, minimal changes
I already pre-order it, can’t wait for the game.
Oh, Great! (Pun intended)
Where’s God of War IV?
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss, please please be
PlayStation exclusive?
Wii u please?
came too late fam. blade and soul arleady took over my lfe
Torneo de FIFA 16 en PS4
El ganador se lleva 300k
Inscripción 10k
Para participar contactar por skype a Joako3773
se ve demasiado bueno!! *-*
Why am I only seeing the PS4 version available for pre-order? Where can I
find the Vita version?
Ok now this is dope! I’ve always preferred digimon over pokemon
getting it for vita
I can’t find this on the PS4 STORE.
Xbox fanboys are begging for this
I love Digimon but I really have to see some more. I dont want to buy a PS4
to be let down
si tu lo deseas puedes volar
what kind of gameplay is this gonna be like, anyone know?
Tentacle monster and anime ooh man I know where this is going
FYI, the sound director for this game is Masafumi Takada, a person who’s
made tons of great game soundtracks, including some super smash bros.
tracks and the entire Danganronpa soundtrack. Easily one of my most
anticipated aspects about this game.
Digimon? I hate Digimon! I’m a huge fan of Pokemon!
Plz add local games and tournament
I think everyone really wants the other Digimon game that came to the psp
vita. The one with season one
Atari 2600 Master Race Suck It Xboxone
That is not Digimon is an hentai anime, don’t destroy agumon by doing that.
legal digimon finalmente um jogo novo
The real question is can I have a Patamon? If yes, it’s a buy for me ;)
Nice commercial for kids to trust strangers online
The game looks like Persona.
Digimon >>>> Pokemon
emoção total
Buying a vita again just for this
You wanted actual 3D exploration with your monster walking with you, well
this is it.
getting this on the vita
finally a reason to recharge my psvita
I like it but I hope it does digimon some justice
so digimon became a +18 video game now lol, but considering most of digimon
viewers are currently +18..
Kinda frustrating that digimon and naruto storm 4 will be released on the
same day.
I would get this if I had money really want it
Playstation actually put up a video for Digimon? Shocking. What’s more
shocking is that I needed to say that to begin with.
Are we hyped for some more Digimon Tri?!?!
Why does the gameplay look like something off a 3ds? Or is that the vita
Not trying to be those guys who thinks graphics are everything, but when
I’m planning on paying $80 for a ps4 game, I’d like to think I’m getting my
moneys worth :/
Digimon is so much better than Pokemon. Never understood why Sony didn’t
buy the rights during the PS1 era.
Like the show but different
Support the Vita and some awesome gaming genres! :D
I didn’t even know this franchise still existed.