Check out the E3 2017 exclusive trailer for Detroit: Become Human.
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Check out the E3 2017 exclusive trailer for Detroit: Become Human.
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oh yessss por finn
I love cereal…
so many lit trailers
Hopefully this is a good game….
I made ze bad gam
Wish we could’ve gotten a release date.
whoevers in charge of the official Playstation YouTube is slacking. all other conferences uploaded their announcement videos on time.. this is ridiculous
hmmm intresting
This summer I get PS4 + Xbox that I already have. end the console war
The game hasn’t even come out yet and I’m already sooooo into the story of Detroit: Become Human
Looks nice
How y’all feel about this one?
“Our People” are failures of the Game Designer.
This game keeps getting better.
Watch Dogs meets iRobot
I really want to play this game.
Marcus look like Col about inFamous
We need Detective Spooner to come handle these robots!!!
9 minutes ago
Great graphics!!
Isn’t that the guy from Grey’s anatomy? Sure looks like Jesse Williams
(To bad I don’t have PlayStation, Xbox) Where’s Neo Sony?
the name marcus reminds me of Watchdogs 2, but this looks really good! Can’t wait to do a live stream with this game on my channel!
Still no release date after 5 years. I am still really excited though.
Where is the launch date, Sony?? Where????
what Kind of The Division is that? xD
just kiddin
1.51 fack you PlayStation no play minecraft servar
When one of the Android asks what his/her purpose is.
you pass the butter!
Oh my God!
Marcus is a beast
Exclusive? Hehe
Hey, what if I really want to play this game, and win, but I really like humans? I’m already worried about my job being stolen by a robot, but now my life? Why can’t I be the guy stopping the robots?
“My name is Marcus and I was a slave just like you.” -Android.
Sold. Just tell me when to give you my money.
Pacifism, duh… and make love with that Sakura Android.
So this is basically Nier but if it was a bad game?
This seems like it’s gonna be another “your choices matter” game where your choices DON’T matter…. kind of like walking dead.
Seriously, no release date!!!
Looked Better last year
kinda disappointed they changed the story and gameplay away from being a Detective
looks great can’t wait!
That’s the power of PlayStation. Story telling something Xbox lacks lol
It just show they’re not so different from humans after all
CyberPunk 2077?
Why is David Cage allowed to make “games” again?
That is not a title, that is 3 adjectives thrown together
What happened to the girl from th original trailer
The game looks very good, but is it going to be on xbox or is it a PS exclusive?
Just drop an EMP and destroy all faulty machines.
What happened to the chick from the original trailer and the ps3 tech demo?
Why do they change characters and storys like every trailer i want the original idea.
Hey it’s Kara and Connor
Wann kommt bei minecraft playstation 3 /4 das schielt raus ?
I’m going to go ahead and point out that the e3 2016 trailer at the end the guy said”my name is Conner. this is our story”.
Where’s the cop? 🙁
I have such high hopes for this game! I love games where you can choose your own path. Please don’t suck! Please don’t suck!
LoL. He’s like “You can be your own person now!” And all be like, “YES, WE WILL FOLLOW YOU!”
dont join the railroad
Watch dogs with androids?
it looks like kind of a watch dogs 2 game to me. Thats a good thing. this trailer, i dunnu pretty availible to downgrade. Cant wait to play this
I can’t wait for Super Best Friends to rip this game apart!
Am I the only person who found this incredibly boring?
Become your own master, but then follow Marcus.
Hello philosophical stuff lol
cyborg libtard
defs getting this I loveee games where you get to decide from different scenarios
meanwhile in xbox… WE HAVE MINECRAFT IN. 4. K.!!!
When? Just name the date
After playing Indigo Prophecy, that was too much David Cage for my lifetime. I will definitely skip this game.
Humans: The Videogame
I was so into this game and I still am but I was really underwhelmed by this trailer.
make detroit great again 😛
Android Norman Jayden is still the best character.
Do i get to destroy the human race? If so then im buying. Ill probably buy it anyway to be honest
Another black-nyga. F**k.
This game let you be Skynet. I’m getting it
i couldn’t play this because im on the human side