Here’s the E3 2016 premiere trailer for Detroit Become Human.
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Here’s the E3 2016 premiere trailer for Detroit Become Human.
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Wow… just wow
Oh my God, this trailer is insane
give me a music , who played in this video pls .
Hey, look, it’s that game that has yet to show any actual gameplay and
still the developers expect us to buy it because… robits.
Keanu Reeves.
Sony will lead me to bankruptcy, lol
“why aren’t you sending a real person??” what’s wrong with androids you
I’m getting the Robo cop vibe
Detroit: Become Human looks remarkable. Another visually stunning game. I
love the different choices you could make. I’m probably gonna fail during
that level. I have the worst luck. I’ll blubber like a baby =(
Thank you Quantic Dream.
This looks amaIny
so basically L.A. Noire but with Androids
What was the point of this trailer if you already spoiled at least 6
endings?? xD
Is this like blade runner the game?Either way seems promising.
I can’t keep up
Ok so what we have here is a futuristic LA Nore…
This and Deus Ex Mankind Divided are the reasons I am rock hard right now
is this just for that one interaction
I want
bad version of Blade Runner
So there’s Kara, this new guy, Connor, I guess it’ll be lots of different
stories tied in? Cool.
Man, it looks great
I like this
Hopefully there are more than just those endings that you already spoiled,
“You can’t kill me, I’m not alive” – David Cage, 2016
0:16 Kun Aguero its you?
really hyped
Coolest looking thing at Sony’s press conference!
Where is Kara?
I look forward to this game. I enjoyed Heavy Rain. Beyond: Two Souls, it
was ok. Detroit Become Human got my interest. :)
LA noire+ Deux Ex= this game.
very interesting
tem br aqui tbm??
Wtf. A game names Detroit?
Another “Quantic Dream” Choose Your Own Adventure movie.
Is this like a full game? Like is this just one level? Does it play like
heavy rain? So many questions, did this have a pannel? When will this have
more info lol
I don’t know how I feel about this
this will be a good movie
wait wasnt it a female protagonist in the announcement trailer ???
Anybody else see the “Days Gone” video before they took it down like
fifteen minutes ago?
thank God Sony is giving us great futuristic games. thank you sony you made
my dreams come true :D
There’s robots and its set in Detroit… I EXPECT TO SEE ROBOCOP.
this is full of masonic symbolism but nice game doe.
Looks interesting but then again so did Beyond: Two Souls initially.
Detroit Noire
Release Date?
Then the major downgrade on release because this is to good to be true
Oops I made the bad game
Oops I made the bad game
xbox is gonna get so pissed
This game looks amazing
We can play this game in youtube…why does it need to be in a console?
i love detective games
is it gonna be a Heavy Rain type of game?
why their blood is blue???
I thought Kara was the main playable character tho
wtf did i’ve just watched
HYYYYPE! eat that telltale games!
This game looks so retarded
1:38 #Become Human #indeed. :.
oohh i like an android themed game cant wait for more info
. . . .my soul
se ve prometedor
Dude sounds like Keanu Reeves
Why are they telling us all the endings???
A game that’s seemingly unique and innovative, I am excited.
Goodbye money. it’s time for us to part ways.
shut up and take my money
the only david cage game to ever look good
This looks similar to The Machine from Person of Interest, especially in
Is this exclusive?
wait. wasnt the protagonist supposed to be a woman?
I don’t want to change the character of Kara
Has there been a release date given for ANYTHING besides last guardian?
get in the hype train
Beast game.
I am really excited about this (seeing I live in Detroit) but when I saw
that it was a ps4 exclusive I was really sad.
It’s like Terminator and I Robot mixed together! I’m going to enjoy this
I wish I had a Ps4 to play this. This game looks amazing.
any demo
Sweet, a game base in the city I live in.
Our city does not look at that fancy at all.
Omg buying it
If I can’t become Robo Cop, then NO BUY!
I’m looking forward to this game.
So hyped that I had to re-watch this immediately after seeing it on the
live stream.
What happened to Kara? :O
I am confused due to the last trailer containing and suggesting Kara as the