Destiny 2 – Bungie Puts Prestige Trophy Behind New DLC Paywall – $20 Trophy Microtransaction –

Published on December 6, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Destiny 2 released Curse of Osiris and has officially put the Prestige trophy behind it’s $20 price making that trophy along with the platinum impossible for people without the new DLC. Without the DLC, you no longer can enter a prestige version of the raid or a strike as the minimum power level requirement has increased beyond 305, the max level for non DLC owners. F Bungie.

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

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  • Matt M 7 years ago

    Wow thats one of the ones i need

  • A fucking alien 7 years ago

    Wow I thought EA and Activision were bad. This proves that bungie is a bunch of hungry Jews.

  • Narga 636 7 years ago

    greedy bungie

  • Aaron Reed 7 years ago

    Damn that’s screwed up. I mean i have curse of Osiris, but being a trophy hunter, I definitely feel the frustration. Half of my group doesn’t even have CoO yet. Damn.

  • Doodle Knight 7 years ago

    “Not even EA would do this!”
    …give em time they will eventually…

  • GoldenPhantom484 7 years ago

    This game just sucks

  • CoockyAlix 7 years ago

    Nice vid btw

  • dorg86 7 years ago

    Never liked destiny

  • Luc Watanabe 7 years ago

    Oh shut the fuck up and stop Bitchin’ You’re Garbage if you didn’t get that platinum yet cause you had a long time to get it And Plenty Of ppl Got It So Shut fuck Or Buy The DLC and stop complaining about that One Trophy.

  • WolfMan Gaming 7 years ago

    to be fair to them you could see this coming. The minimum requirements go up every dlc since year 1 of destiny 1. However I might be biased cause I already have this trophy.

  • SonicSrikr 7 years ago

    That might be a big but I dunno

  • Steve Smith 7 years ago

    Literally picked this up to play and plat while I’m at it!! Half way thru your video just started my car to warm it up as it’s minus 29 here and I’m taking it back to ebgames

  • Dothethird 7 years ago

    Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2 can suck two of my nuts.

  • Yuki Shepard 7 years ago

    I don’t see the problem with this

  • Holy Badger 7 years ago

    Holy fuck freak out about an achievement not even ea would do this oh what’s that it’s not a big deal, fuck you 1 trophy = pay 2 win progression

  • Chris Des Lauriers 7 years ago

    Why are you getting mad at them you should have been done had that trophy it wasn’t had at all to get that trophy let’s be honest if you haven’t got it by now your trash at the game

  • todomachii 7 years ago

    Thanks for the info.

  • Convoy 99 7 years ago

    People still buy destiny?

  • Immy Khan 7 years ago

    These people r doing my head in

  • Rood3Y 7 years ago

    It takes you 4 hours to rank up ? It takes me maybe an hour to rank up, I got the game a week late and I’m level 34. I don’t think it’s the game you should be looking at for your performance in matches.

  • Leather Bagel 7 years ago

    I feel your pain

  • Chris Cobra Elite 7 years ago

    Usually I hunt trophies but I don’t in destiny 2, I got the expansion which I didn’t pay for my wife did but still bullshit…

  • Whooper / HTG Tyler P 7 years ago

    I’m pretty disappointed the DLC didn’t even have any trophies.

  • Ps4Skullreaper1993 7 years ago

    I feel you Brian I have the platinum but I was sad no more trophy I have the dlc but I still think it’s dumb to have to pay for that trophy and I will become a sponsor when I get paid Friday 🙂 keep it up Brian

  • Lu _laz 7 years ago

    So true, dont make people pay $60 and have the pre loaded trophies then decide to change the trophies which came with original purchase. Boycott D2 they’re trying to force players to buy these dlc

  • Tim R. Greene 7 years ago

    Well you had a long time to get it to be fair as I already have it and the game is for more heard core players so they had to scale difficultly in order to get better rewards

  • Masters Moments 7 years ago

    Mate your pissed, it’s true what you said though, fuck you bungie

  • George Ridgers 7 years ago

    Just out of interest, how many platinum trophies do you have?

  • fnvfan0145 7 years ago

    Edit: Fuck Activision.

  • Throkers 7 years ago

    Curse of Osiris is also a terrible DLC, nothing to do and they haven’t fixed any of the major issues in the game. Just stuck content in the eververse, so fucking annoyed.

  • knightslade2007 7 years ago

    That is ridiculous

  • iero 7 years ago

    Tweeted this to Jim Sterling and put this on his subreddit I think Greg Miller should know as well Brian!!

  • Ice Dragon 7 years ago

    Agreed. I hope Bungie gets shit on just like EA did. This is going way too far.

  • RP 7 years ago

    When I saw that Destiny 2 was still a grind against a rigged system and dlc was still overpriced I quit playing.

  • Norm Peterson 7 years ago

    Yeah I’m done with bungie and Destiny as a whole they just keep screwing up

  • Why do I even... 7 years ago

    Acting as a devil’s advocate… I’m pretty sure in this case more than being greedy assholes they were stupid in the update and didn’t consider that part for simple reasons:
    They have already fucked up updates from D1…

    they are still greedy assholes putting a lot of things that used to be in game rewards on the eververse store but I don’t think in this case It was intentional.

  • MrSquid101 7 years ago

    The “Lest Ye Be Judged” trophy is also locked. This has to do with Trials

  • Joshua Moore 7 years ago

    In destiny 1 people were upset that when a dlc came out, the old raids were pointless because they were lower than the new power level, now bungie are making it so the old raids are still relevant by bumping up the power level. There’s literally no compromise, people will be mad either way and it’s stupid. I don’t trophy hunt but I can see why this angers people, it’s just if they didn’t bump the power level up, then hardcore raiders would be upset. It’s a shame.

  • Jeff Hedges 7 years ago

    Brian you are PISSED and on a TEAR and i LOVE it! Lets make Bungie fix this! I am refusing to play any more Destiny or giving them any money until this is fixed!

  • DreamCaster 7 years ago

    How does that freaking work? I thought the stuff payed for outside of the basegame is considered DLC trophies?

  • Jacob Snyder 7 years ago

    What is the gaming industry coming to? It’s a damn shame.

  • Drongo 7 years ago

    They have always increase light level of stuff when a dlc come out

  • saud qureshi 7 years ago

    so what up

  • TheSuperDad7 7 years ago

    Way to jump on the destiny salt game…original

  • cc c 7 years ago

    I agree with you buddy. But what would you expect from autistivision. They’re all about getting your money. They don’t care about you, they just want to jack off to your $$$ and putting a paywall behind just one trophy proves their arrogance.

  • EsKaYf4 7 years ago

    There is no new Trophy with this DLC.
    Should have had it by now?

  • The Chosen Stache 7 years ago

    I doubt it was their intent to prevent players from getting the trophy without paying for the dlc. The game has been out for several months. If these trophy hunters were so serious about getting that trophy then maybe they shouldn’t have waited so long. Just buy the dlc or get over it

  • kohlerxxx 7 years ago

    The trials trophy will be locked as well

  • TP for my Spunghole 7 years ago

    I don’t think Bungie did this intentionally, but I do understand why people would be upset

  • CodyKing45 7 years ago

    If you have the trophy stop complaining, Why would they leave the prestige at 300? That’s pointless, they raised it to 330 everyone knew they were going to raise the level, which meant people without dlc were left behind, but that’s also how D1 WAS

  • andrew mckinney 7 years ago

    How does not addin’ any trophies with the dlc “screw us”? I’m confused about that part. Not everyone cares about trophies, yes you have many subs who do, but that’s not everyone.

  • James McGuffie 7 years ago

    I got the platinum at the start, I would be pissed if I had to buy the Osiris bullshit to get it though. Not buying any dlc until they produce a raid and a lot of the problems are fixed, not optimistic like haha

  • Louis B 7 years ago

    EA probably just didn’t want to be the first ones to do it

  • wrighty9676 7 years ago

    Might be wrong but this just seems like a bit of an oversight on their behalf?

  • DevilGames 7 years ago

    You underestimate EA power.

  • LtGrayFire98 7 years ago

    Crazy man just damn crazy…

  • DevilGames 7 years ago

    Still not as bullshit as Wolf2 Mein Leben trophies.

  • Dillon Rorke 7 years ago

    We gotta team up and show developers that we pay for the full games that come out should be complete! And all their future dlc should be optional for purchase including trophies, weapons, characters, and so on.

  • PsychoAxeMan 7 years ago


  • iAMDaBeST -LT 7 years ago

    That blows. I started playing this game but stopped to play a few others. Now i have to pay $20 to get the platinum, they can suck it

  • Demise 7 years ago

    prepare for the nerdy diehard casuals to swarm this video saying youre terrible at the game and that you should move on to another game ive been playing since early d1 and even im annoyed with the path d2 is taking

  • MrDeadshotHD 7 years ago

    If you guys aren’t good enough then why are you playing destiny 2? All trophy hunters that played destiny 2 claimed that it was by far one of the easiest platinum myself included. A prestige nightfall was one of the easiest shits ever

  • Bluupz Bluupz 7 years ago

    Destiny 2 is trash and so is Battlefront 2. woooo

  • Dillon Rorke 7 years ago

    I agree Brian. We are trophie hunters. And we all agree with everything you said 100 percent. Whatever you do to try to fix this we’re all going to have your back!

  • Dustin Mikkelsen 7 years ago

    Do you need a tissue?

  • DerpADuh 7 years ago

    They’ll fix it…

    They just fudged up…

    Yeah it’s stupid they can’t make a good sequel, with smart/common sense decisions but… Give them time?

  • Unforgiven One 7 years ago

    My Name Is Mayo dev’s have better morals.

  • OUTSKATE69 7 years ago

    I I highly doubt it was ever in their intention to prevent you from getting the trophy the requirements have not changed in technical sense but it has because the DLC dropped if you never played Destiny before dealsea dropped then that is the only reason you don’t have the Platinum the Platinum is by far the easiest trophy to get and any of the games iPhone if you really want the trophy and it’s so that much of a problem for you by the OC enjoy the game and get it for people who purchase games specifically for the purpose of gaining trophies how is this much of a problem to have to buy and play a good dlc. Unlike EA Bungie has made all items that are microtransaction purchasble very easy to acquire and they did not do this with malicious intent unlike EA was almost forcing you to buy. I myself at the platinum trophy Within a week after the raid was available and I play only 2 hours a week. You said it yourself that this is a time thing that they will release a game of the year version with all the DLCs included for $60. so this only Troubles people who didn’t care enough about the game to get it in the months it has been out before the release of the curse of Osiris and are too impatient to wait for the game of the year version. Foia understand your frustration I feel that you over exaggerate the situation that I cannot have sympathy for you

  • Roof1975 7 years ago

    Battlefront 2 footage doesn’t help lol. Should have been horizon, re7, Nioh, Persona 5, wolfenstein 2. You know, actual goty contenders worth playing lol

  • james bachand 7 years ago

    It’s either you buy the dlc and get the platinum legit or buy the trophy separately, either way you have to pay for it, that’s unacceptable! I’ve got the platinum but that’s still ridiculous. Let’s say you buy destiny on the playstation store you would either have to buy the dlc or season pass edition with the game to even be able to get the trophy and in the end the platinum. How is that actually acceptable. Especially after how much bungie already dug there own grave on the lack of pretty much everything for end game players, I got to 305 on 3 characters the first 6 weeks of the game and I haven’t touched it since, there was literally nothing to do in the game. I would sign in every week to get my clan engrams. That was my end game experience. I’m done with destiny ✌️

  • ShredderGG 7 years ago


  • Gladiator Mamo 7 years ago

    That’s so stupid

  • Yaeven 7 years ago

    They’re not the same Bungie from 10 years ago. Fuck them. I want nothing to do with them anymore.

  • Michael Schneider 7 years ago


  • Starcrafty's channel 7 years ago

    Funny could have sworn they said more trophies were coming with the dlc whoops.. fook em

  • Pitbull Gamer81 7 years ago

    I had destiny 2 platinum a 2 week after the game came out because the game is a joke there’s really no content in d2 I haven’t played it since I got the platinum

  • AstroCyborg 7 years ago

    the games been out for 3 months you’ve had plenty of time to get it before this dlc & if you wanna enjoy an always connected mmo type game you gotta buy the expansions its simple logic this was a pure pointless complaint & bungie don’t care about people who just play games for a worthless platinum

  • Chaos Lionheart 7 years ago

    There was plenty of time to earn the prestige trophy (earned it week 1 myself with ease) and same with the Platinum it was easily earned way prior to release of Curse of Osiris.

  • aidan wood 7 years ago

    Im lucky I got plat 9th day after destiny 2 launched

  • Kevin Strom 7 years ago

    I’m more pissed this shitty “expansion” costs 20 bucks. There’s nothing to it.

  • Chandler Thornton 7 years ago

    Actually, you can get past 305 without the dlc you just don’t get any of the content

  • Jett Mattison 7 years ago

    There is a messed up injustice 2 trophy if anyones interested I can elaborate.

  • Gu the Tanuki 7 years ago

    Man, I really want to support you and sponsor you. But I’m broke asf. I’m only 16 going to school and shit but I feel you man. Just as microtransactions, this shit is very irritating and frustrating

    More power to you man, I’m happy you are speaking out for the ones who cannot. It’s ridiculous in a way they’d stoop this low and they keep fucking up time and time ago. It’s like Bungie is an entirely different studio than before. It’s really puzzling to me how this was a good idea for anyone at Bungie. Destiny 2 was a joke, the microtransactions, everything and your right, it’s very unacceptable. Games should be made for the consumer, not the shareholder.

  • KayozKong 7 years ago

    i love ur videos but ur totally wrong. You’re able to do the prestige nightfall at light level 305, just all the enemies are at 330.
    It’s harder without the DLC thats all.

  • Gan4live 7 years ago

    You can still level up to 330 without the dlc. Just do the milestone. I’m level 314 without owning the dlc. No need to pay 20$

  • Mike Lucas 7 years ago

    Just go beat the raid simple

  • iysaw 7 years ago

    Suck it up.

  • The Lebanese Unboxer 7 years ago

    i am trying not to be a jerk and hope no one gets angry, but if u buy Destiny then u should plan to buy the expansions, i am not being rude, but if u play only vanilla destiny 2, then i guess u have no reason to even bother with the game since every destiny gamer knows about the dlc tactics, so if u don[t plan to buy the dlcs, then please, return the game and stop playing it 🙂

  • Stevo R 7 years ago

    maybe its something they over looked? MAYBE? then again… as soon as taken king came out for destiny 1 people who only had the base game and dlc 1 & 2 got locked out of everything else part from a level 20 strike even you was like 30+ or something :/

  • Chris13 7 years ago

    Hold up
    Do you have proof you need the dlc to get 330 light gear

    In destiny 1 one of my friend only had all dlc except iron Lords dlc
    And he still got to 400 without buying it

    Did you check if someone can get gear of 330 without the dlc?

  • Archie Deluxe 7 years ago

    Fuck destiny 2 and fuck bungie I’m done with the gaming industry full stop if they think they can fleece what little money I have,wankers!

  • Spaghettiio Assassin 7 years ago

    This is hardly news. They did this last game

  • Tyme 7 years ago

    Thats why I game shared this game.

  • W97Sin0 / Mistergerman 7 years ago

    Bungie hates its community lol

  • xXxMiS3RY 7 years ago

    Wasn’t a big deal before DLC came out this should have been done first two months in the games life span, got my platinum leaving the game behind. ✌️


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