Days Gone – Variety is the Spice of Life Trophy Guide – Get a Kill With All 5 Crossbow Bolts

Published on April 25, 2019 by PS4Trophies

Days Gone Variety is the Spice of Life Trophy Guide. To earn this trophy you must Kill an enemy with every type of crossbow bolt. During the story you will acquire the Drifter Crossbow or you may find another. Pull up the weapon wheel and hold down to select the special weapon crossbow. Keep holding down and you select the ammo type. You can craft bolts once you have found the recipe. These recipes are earned as a reward for completing activities such as story missions or ambush camps. You will not get the final bolt recipe until very late in the game. You must get at least one kill with the Standard bolt, Explosive Bolt, Residue Bolt, Poison Bolt and the Incendiary Bolt.

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

One Percenter
Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Hidden Trophy

Ambush Camp Hunter
Complete the Ambush Camp Hunter storyline

Infestation Exterminator
Complete the Infestation Exterminator storyline

Marauder Camp Hunter
Complete the Marauder Camp Hunter storyline

World’s End
Complete the World’s End storyline

One Down
Defeat your first Horde

Farewell Drift
Accumulate 10 minutes of drifting while on your bike

This is a Knife
Kill a Breaker, Reacher, or Rager with a knife

Ghost of Farewell
Get 100 stealth kills

Old Reliable
Kill 200 Enemies with a Crafted Weapon

Variety is the Spice of Life
Kill an enemy with every type of crossbow bolt

Farewell Original
Purchase an upgrade under the Performance, Visual, and Paint Categories for your bike

First Time Buyer
Upgrade your bike for the first time

Burnout Apocalypse
Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike time for at least 5 seconds

The Art of Bike Repair
Apply 100 scrap to your bike

You’ve Got Red on You
Collect 541 Items from corpses

Lend Me Your Ears
Collect 989 Freaker Ears

Finders Keepers
Unlock your first collectible

Wannabe Fortune Hunter
Unlock over 50% of the collectibles

The Broken Roadshow
Unlock over 75% of collectibles

Surviving isn’t Living
Rescue 10 survivors

Better Living through Chemistry
Upgrade either your Health, Stamina, or Focus for the first time

Performance Enhanced
Max out either your Health, Stamina, or Focus

Best Friends Forever
Receive the Allied Trust status with an Encampment

Best Friends Forever (For Life)
Gain the Allied Trust status with three different Encampments

Make it Rain
Spend 20,000 credits at one Encampment

Welcome to the Party, Pal
Clear all Ambush Camps, Infestations, and NERO Checkpoints in a single region

Kitchen Courier
Sell Animal Meat or Plants to any Encampment

Don’t Stop Me Now
Unlock your first skill

I’m Out of Control
Unlock 15 skills

There’s No Stopping Me
Unlock 30 skills

Mr. Fahrenheit
Unlock 45 skills

Go Kick Rocks
Knock down 12 Anarchist Cairns

D.I.Y. Oregonian
Craft 50 items

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