Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a Drifter and bounty hunter who rides the broken road, fighting to survive while searching for a reason to live.
At its core, Days Gone is about survivors and what makes them human: desperation, loss, madness, betrayal, friendship, brotherhood, regret, love – and hope. It’s about how even when confronted with such enormous tragedy they find a reason to live. Hope never dies.
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Sony won this years E3
More cinematic poopy garbage from Sony. Guess they must have been real
satisfied with how The Odor: 1866 turned out.
plz tell me his is co op
Why did you remove the gameplay presentation video? I hope somebody saved
that .
Where is my Gang Beasts!!!
This game has me hyped since the past 20 minutes
wonder if we’ll have some kind of zombie like enemies
I saw the gameplay before they took it down lol
khe e eta wea
I don’t know getting a bit of the last of us vibe from this
Basically The Last Of Us 2
Sam Witwer?
Why there is no demo game in PlayStationStore?
شكلها قوية
who’s hyped
wow. it’s like an open world game set in the last of us universe.
dead rising!!!!
rubs me like a last of us feel. That game is my all time favorite
at least we got a new bounty hunting game since prey 2 was canceled
Love it
all of these exclusives i will get them all
What happend to the gameplay trailer?
Looks like Starkiller traded his lightsabers for a Motorcycle. Poor choice,
very good game
so what is this? a zombie game or what?
Sons of anarchy
Mad Max 2: In to the woods
Customize your Harley Motorcycle not your magnum opus.
1:37 :.) Thank #you. For it #soul
I can’t remember the last time I got goosebumps off watching a trailer. We
need to see more
The last of us 2 looks amazing!!!!
hey joe! wanna play a zombie game ?
It’s the Story of Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead. Give this Guy a
Crossbow! Now!
Still waiting for Day Z like they said Launch year…
is this like the apocalypse our something
Huh looks a bit like James Franco
This looks absolutely amazing! I can really see this becoming very
successful. Beautiful landscape too!
حطو بس شخصية ديرل ديكسون ووالله لأشتري اللعبه لو انها بألف ريال
I honestly thought (and hoping) this was The Last of Us 2 for most of the
trailer. I was just waiting to see a clicker pop out of nowhere lol!
too many games, not enough money
The Last Sons Of Anarchy
Sam Witwer?
yes am going to be broke.
They’re showing the gameplay live. wut?
So will this game have rpg like elements or is it more like a post apoc
This character reminds me of the dude from the Star Wars Force Unleashed
Series perhaps same actor?
I want the music in the trailer, so epic
this game, spider man , crash bandicoot remastered 2 and warped omg I’m
Is this spinoff Of the last Of Us? looks amazing love it
Last of Us much?
Is that Sam Witwer?
thought it was Last of Us 2.. dang!!
Cherish life folks, cause you never know when the apocalypse will hit
Reminds me of the Last Of US
people thought this was going to be the last of us two when only the name
was known looks incredible
ill be broke by the end of the year
PS exclusive?
I was just thinking we are short of post-apocalyptic zombie games.
E exclusivo da Sony ?
looks like gtaV zombies
looks like gtaV zombies
seen this live just then, looks so awesome!
anybody else thought this was last of us 2
its looks like the last of us
This game looks so amazing!
is this a ps4 exclusive?
I say the last of us. but no I saw the gameplay let me say I’m interested
in this game :)
the last of us tiene competencia
Man this game was nice but I don’t know man they didn’t anounce PlayStation
neo or PlayStation 3 backwards compatibility wtf sonyyyyyyy whyyyyy your
killing meeee
This looks absolutely amazing! The whole time watching it I got a Last of
Us vibe
I’m on Xbox so RIP me
The Last of Us?
i’m legend
Perfect <3
World War Z game?
This game looks so sick!
It is the guy from Force Unleashed, Sam Whitwer.
Ayyy Looks like Jax got resurrected for the Zombie Apocalypse. Sweet!
Love you
Read the description. very informative.
RIP Xbox
Sam Witwer (Force Unleashed)?
cara pensei que era tlou haha
Ay its the dude who played Starkiller in The Force Unleased
Hmmmmmm, interesting…
Look alot like I am legend, does anyone know if “in development for Ps4”
means it’s Ps4 exclusive.
I see a lot of people saying this is Last of Us 2, but Naughty Dog’s name
is nowhere on this trailer.