Return to an apocalyptic Earth in Darksiders III, a hack-n-slash Action Adventure where players assume the role of FURY in her quest to hunt down and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins.
© 2017 THQ Nordic AB, Sweden. Developed by Gunfire Games. Darksiders, THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Nordic AB. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
I almost didn’t believe it when I saw it. 5 years of waiting. I love Darksiders so much. Still have my poster and comic book of the Four Horsemen I got with original back in 2010 and I have my Death mask from D2 collectors edition still in my room. Hoping and waiting one day we could see Strife and Fury and eventually all 4 in one.
I should play this series
i love this saga, i wait for youuuu
Not a fan of it being a her at all now I have nothing to drool over !
Why does it look like a $20 game?
I’d still smash it tho fucc it
Lol not even this is coming to Switch, haha
Death Metal on narrator…
I like darksiders1 but the second game was retarded I didn’t enjoy it
Today im an official proud ps4 owner.Took 3 years but its better late than never
if her horses name isn’t scorn I’ll be upset
Wait…. THQ? Wasn’t that publisher dead?
Ivy would like her whip back
How many siblings does that guy have!
Why does she look like something straight out of a cartoon while the rest of the game looks more realistic?
So that’s how Jessie from Team Rocket looks like when she gets pissed, huh?
I’ll miss death that’s for sure.
I don’t follow Darksiders, who’s the chained dude?
Can I please just play as strife
female protagonist… social justice strikes again
THQ will live on, Nordic games really did good by us fans not capitalizing on their franchises like hungry animals, THQ forever yo.
10/10 would definitely bang
I’d smash.
THQ wait whaaaaat
Thank Jesus for listening to my prayers!
Now my life has sense.
prays the suuuuuuuuun oh wait wrong game
Can anyone reminds me how many horseman in darksiders?
perfect timing to pander the feminist
now make us a fourth game and this time let us play as strife he looks so badass
I’m looking for to see “Lust” XD
if you know what I mean!
She looks awfull… looks more like a character out of Overwatch than Darksiders..
Wasn’t expecting this.
the other horseman with dual guns is called “strife” i guess, can’t remenber
Where’s death though?
Am I the only one who thinks this woman looks exactly like Wuya from Xiaolin Showdown?
Really, REALLY glad that Darksiders 3 is a thing, but I hope that they improve the character design somewhat. This looks like it’s in very early development so I’m sure there’s still plenty of time.
From this moment Fury is my new waifu.
Death though. Death.
f yea boy is time
God Exists!
disputa para cuando
Death is the best.
Wtf? God of War Ascension much?? Not trying to hate, just seemed very similar to the intro of God of War Ascension.
omg yes
Why are people so freaking mad they have to play a woman? This is FURY! We’ve known about her and expected her in a game for YEARS! And stop crying “feminism!” It’s not like they just made her up!
in pprtuguese? please!
omg finally!!! I am super excited, another great female protagonist!!!!
2018? bye
optimus prime part time narrator job
I don’t like Fury’s face. She looks much older than her brothers. Like, old enough to be their mother.
Is it plague or famine?
She looks like somebody from that star wars the clone wars cartoon
“Dust, what do you see?”
What’s up with the stupid atitude and the goofy face? For “Fury” this seems like a catwoman downgrade…
IM so suprised because they took such huge loss in darksiders 2 but game was good 🙂 Fighting guardian boss was epic moment music everything
Nice vide, cool video likkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Where is DEATH
I’m so ready for this .Fury , here we go !
She looks really bad wtf
too all who are commenting on the fact that it looks weird. it is justan announcment trailer not a cinimatic or anything just wait itll look better
Fury looked better in the concept art. Especially her costume design. Still hyped though.
war is better than her
I just hope the gameplay and storyline stay strong.
ilike this game
Sodium levels are through the roof in this comment section!
it looks so good
i hope strife is playable too
I’m surprised that gamers have a gender preference for the protagonist. I’ve never had this problem in any game especially in RPGs where you choose a character.
Well, I guess I should hurry up and finish Darksiders 2.
ohh yeah finally
Bring my man SAMAEL playable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have hoped this would happen.
The trailer itself is not much but I’m happy I’ll be able to play the 3 Darksiders games on PS4!
I really enjoyed the darksider games and might pick this up when it drops in price. But I am not a fan of Fury’s looks. She looks like a moba character and I do not like the look of most of the moba games.
That sucks, no micro bikinis! U LOL
nice lady death tribute, but whats her name?
Can anyone tell me who her voice actress is? She sounds very familiar
Why is fury not charging at the enemy? She looks more like an assassin not fury.
Thats why l wasnt expecting this one that much, she uses a stupid whip, hopefully as its predecesors will have at least 3 diferent wepons… Also what with all these bright colours and Overwatch art style? Look worst than DS1 for the PS3…
Where’s the graphic update lol
Wow! She’s Pretty Amazing!
Don’t know why it reminds me of God of war ascension
eyes are way too big, throws off the whole art style of the series.
Abyssal armor? She got it? lmao