Call of Duty WW2 – DEFENDER Trophy & Achievement Shoot Down all the Planes in The Rhine (Mission 11)

Published on November 3, 2017 by PS4Trophies

Call of Duty WW2 Defender trophy and achievement guide. Protect the convoy by shooting down all the planes in The Rhine.

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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay

★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

VE (Platinum)
Earn all available trophies for Call of Duty®: WWII

Friend in Need (Silver)
Request Zussman to toss you First Aid Kits 30 times.

I See Movement! (Silver)
Request Pierson to spot enemies 25 times.

Praise and Pass (Silver)
Request Turner to toss you ammo 20 times.

School of Hard Knocks (Silver)
Request Stiles to toss you grenades 15 times.

Who Needs a Pendant? (Silver)
Request Aiello to toss you signal smoke and call in mortar strikes 10 times.

Potato Masher (Bronze)
Save 5 allies by throwing away a live enemy grenade.

Chain Smoker (Bronze)
Disable 50 enemies using smoke grenades.

I’ve Got You! (Bronze)
Drag 9 unique allies to safety.

Quarter Given (Bronze)
Get 4 unique groups of enemies to surrender.

Rescuer (Bronze)
Save 10 unique allies locked in struggle.

Pieces of History (Bronze)
Collect all 33 mementos.

Slow and Steady (Bronze)
Spend 3 minutes using Focus in the campaign.

Distinguished Service (Gold)
Complete the game on Veteran difficulty.

One of the Lucky Few (Bronze)
Breach the seawall in under 2 minutes without taking MG fire.

Ack Ack (Bronze)
Protect your tanks by shooting down all planes in Operation Cobra.

Marksman (Bronze)
Cover Zussman from the church without missing a shot in Stronghold.

Sunday Driver (Bronze)
Complete the driving portion of S.O.E. without hitting any obstacles.

Silent Night (Bronze)
Sneak through the courtyard undetected in Liberation.

Gasoline Cowboy (Bronze)
Rescue your allies with the Sherman while keeping your armor above 80% in Collateral Damage.

Fog of War (Bronze)
Sneak through the Dragon’s Teeth undetected in Death Factory.

Suppressive Fire! (Bronze)
Successfully escort the pole charge engineer to the pillbox in Hill 493.

Flyboy (Bronze)
Protect the bombers by personally shooting down 12 enemy planes in Battle of the Bulge.

Infiltrated (Bronze)
Reach the sniper perch without being detected in Ambush.

To the End (Silver)
Complete the campaign.

Defender (Bronze)
Protect the convoy by shooting down all the planes in The Rhine.

Buck Private (Bronze)
Get 10 kills in Multiplayer while playing online.

Ricky Recruit (Silver)
Complete 21 daily challenges in Headquarters.

General of the Army (Gold)
Enter Prestige 1 in Multiplayer while playing online.

Tour of Duty (Bronze)
Win 5 War matches in Multiplayer while playing online.

Divisional Commander (Silver)
Prestige a Division in Multiplayer when playing online.

Fireworks (Silver)
In The Final Reich, retrieve the artifact.

Pressure Cooker (Bronze)
In Prologue, survive until wave 20.

Red Mist (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, get 10 kills from a single Bomber’s explosion.

Strike! (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, knock over 10 zombies with a Wüstling charge.

White Knuckles (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, survive 3 Pest waves in a single match without getting hit.

Secret Trophies

Long Way from Texas (Bronze)
Complete D-Day.

The Paddle (Bronze)
Complete Operation Cobra.

No Sanctuary (Bronze)
Complete Stronghold.

Last Stop (Bronze)
Complete S.O.E.

Champagne and Caviar (Bronze)
Complete Liberation.

Human Cost (Bronze)
Complete Collateral Damage.

Death Factory (Bronze)
Complete .

Our Men (Bronze)
Complete Hill 493.

Worst Christmas Ever (Bronze)
Complete Battle of the Bulge.

No Sacrifice Too Great (Bronze)
Complete Ambush.

Dark Reunion (Silver)
In The Final Reich, save Klaus.

Dark Arts (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, build all variants of the Tesla Gun.

Lurking Around (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, find and shoot Dr. Straub.

Undertaker (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, kill the Bomber with the shovel.

Lightning Handler (Bronze)
In The Final Reich, build a Tesla Gun.

Category Tag


  • The CVR123 7 years ago

    I want to play this so bad but I gotta wait for my birthday. *Sigh* I need a job

  • The CVR123 7 years ago

    Would you recommend playing the game in Veteran mode first and then getting all the misc. Trophies on the easiest mode

  • Max Bakedfries 7 years ago

    loved the battlefield 1 trophy 😀

  • dhopper598 7 years ago

    Can you please do a heroic actions guide? I know most are self explanatory and right in front of you, but one on Battle of the Bulge and Ambush I cannot find no matter how many times I’ve played them. I would really appreciate something like that to get those three trophies. No one online has done one guide to them.


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