After narrowly escaping the rave of their lives in the 1990s, our four actors find themselves transported to their newest nightmare in grimy ’70s New York City. Will Andre, AJ, Poindexter and Sally survive Willard Wyler’s next masterpiece? Get ready to bring back the funk with the action-packed, kung-fu fright fest of Infinity Ward’s latest zombies adventure, SHAOLIN SHUFFLE.
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Rated Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes
just here to dislike
This game neee to die… I want B02 remastered
I remember the times when I played Kino der Toten and Nacht der Untoten, good old times .
What even is COD Zombies anymore?
what is this? Saints Row?
Cod – saints row bs needs to stop. You are losing your own way
looks cool but. I stopped playing IT
rip CoD (((
well this is the best zombie game
This almost makes me embarrassed to be a zombies player.
This map looks like a movie, that’s what IW zombies is supposed to be! Even the main menu is the outside of a theater for crying out loud! Sorry they don’t cater to hardcore treyarch fans. I love me some treyarch zombies but this is something different. It is supposed to feel like something different. It’s a movie. Props to Lee and his team, I love the look of this
Do you guys think the campaign mission in BO3 with WW2 memory is a sneak peak of what cod ww2 will look like.
This actually looks cool (in my opinion so chill) I think it would be great if this was a separate game tho doesn’t really fit the whole call of duty narrative but still cool.
just play shadow warrior
Shadows of evil 2.0
Map looks amazing
This looks like something for children. I’d rather play Exo Zombies over this.
This is a joke. It looks completely stupid.
this video more sickens than official trailer
Aaaaaaaaaand you’ll all gonna buy it ..
Which MP map are the remaking?
Good idea but where are the guns?
0:14 new perk!
Jesus Christ a shadows of evil ripoff? Can Infinity Ward come up with something original without blatantly copying Treyarch.
Oh wait they can’t because the dev team consists of some of the most incompetent people to ever make a Call of Duty
so cool
this is not the gritty zombies that I know and love
i like that
Is this a late April Fool’s joke? It seems incredibly racist…
me want
This is hard to watch. its not even worth laughing at.
You can see rust in the end of the video
Graphics is getting worst everyupdate lmao
shadow warrior DLC
Do I see a remade skyrise?
por fin aceptasteis la edad de vuestros jugadores
Reminds me of sleeping dogs definitive edition for some reason. but yeah looks awesome
wtf if my bro saw this and i tell him this is cod he kill him self
no god no….. please God noooo… nooooooooooooooooooooooooo……
Qué pasó call of duty, antes eras chevere
I regret buying this game
black dinomitee!!
I mean, now I know what a disco themed zombies map looks like…
just… stop…
people still play COD?
0:26-0:27 I hear that TREYARCH zombies screech
I can tell cod is running out of ideas…
Persona 5 just came out buy that instead of this garbage
gravity spikes is back!
I already returned my infinite shitfare so this means nothing to me
this trailer has me pumped for the new DLC
You guys are 3 days late
WTF these guys are using martial arts is that cod?
Call of DLC.
This is pretty cool
Perso, j’ai hâte
Q lixo vai tomar no cu isso não é call of duty
one of the funnest cod since bo 1
Already deleted this game.
Release more weapons for MW Remastered.
Is that Pam Grier ?
How retarded
If there aren’t turtles in that sewer, there is no reason for this
why is every single trailer hated
This looks so childish, why cant it just be like WaW Zombie Mode? Or are they trying to get the 12 year old audience to buy this?
Bro this zombies is has so much personality
I wish zombies was separate
Mais qu’est ce que vous faites avec Call of Duty ? Comment ça part en couille ! mdrrrrr
This is pretty cool, I can’t lie. I know the franchise has dipped to the lowest of the low, and yet, is there a better time to try ideas like this?
Looks fun but i prefer a more serious tone for zombies to be honest
Desperate times Activision?
Strange concept for call of duty. Not the theme, but you just run up to zombies and melee them most of the time? For 20 mins sessions? Seems a bit weak. Genuine criticism, not blind hate.
Is it really that hard to make a good Call of Duty game?lmao
This game is a joke
Call of Duty – “For the casuals”
Wtf has the call of duty franchise come to?
this is for player
Please no
i’m not even a COD fan at all but this looks way cooler than the whole game
why do you dislike theres nothing bad
In my opinion this game is 5/5
WTF did I just watch???