The Brawlhalla Founders Pack will be available for purchase on August 1st 2017! Become a Founder and receive exclusive rewards like the Founder’s Signet, Founder’s Insignia, and the one and only sidekick: Personal Sentry IV! You will also unlock every character in the game (including all future Legends!) and receive instant access to the Brawlhalla Beta.
Sit on my face.
Gotta buy this. Loved it on steam.
That look likes super smash bros
Pc is better
Been playing the PC version for quite a while. Can’t wait to move to this version. Just fanboy things
Smash bros????
So instead of a good Smash-like game like Rivals of Aether, we get this disappointment
Looks like smash bros and thats a good thing
Sign Up For Closed Beta Ps4 Players
When Does This Game Come out on ps4?
Wait what! This Gane is on PS4?
whoa, when this game will be on ps4!? and it will be free?
Been playing on ps4 for a while, really fun
When Release Brawlhalla ps4 Free To Play
How to play Smash on PS4
there’s like no point in playing on ps4 tbh unless you play controller
theinsignia pack on ps4 looks SO MUCH BETTER than the pc one
Will this be available for Playstation Asia or Region 3?