Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to take a step back. Introducing, Bound, from developer Plastic, creators of Datura and Linger in the Shadows, in collaboration with Santa Monica Studio.
©2015 Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Bound is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC.
Could be a good game, could be great, but this trailer doesn’t show
anything in support of that
I have no idea what is going on.
Its joke right?
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes GOooOOOOooOoD
“Gameplay”…clearly our ideas of gameplay are quite different. I did love
the music though.
Error 404 Gameplay not found
Love the art style and love the Retro Wave Mass Effecty music. Definitely
gonna keep my eye on this one.
So no God of War?
Let’s wait and see…but i get the feeling that this surreal FPS games
normally don’t go as crazy as i wanted they could be….
No bound. Yes god of war
Indie indie indie…. no comments……………………………..
it looks so beautiful I want it now!!!!!!!
Ps Vr, please
That looks very beautiful and interesting but I have no idea what the game
is. If it is some kind of robotic ballet simulator then I am interested.