BLACKHOLE, an award-winning hardcore platformer with over 20 hours of story-driven sci-fi comedy and gravity-twisting puzzles, now comes to PS4.
When the crew of the spaceship Endera is sucked into a black hole, it seems like the end. Fortunately, the ship crashes on Entity – an unidentified object resembling a planet. After the crash, the first member to wake up is the guy who makes coffee for the crew — you! There’s no one around and your only ally is Auriel, the ship’s computer’s sarcastic A.I. Together, you’ll need to come up with a plan to fix the spaceship, save the others and become heroes of planet Earth by closing the black hole once and for all. It won’t be an easy task, because the mysterious caves, lost cities, towering mountains and deep forests are full of tricky, gravity-defying puzzles and deadly traps.
© 2016 1C Company. Developed by FiolaSoft Studio. All Rights Reserved.
The best game ever
Blackhole ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mais um game de smartphone para ps4.
Nice Blackhole ( ͡°⊖ ͡°)
Why the likes?
“Next Gen” LOL
im starting to think ps4 is actually a mobile phone
This isn’t mario
ps plus games?
Bring back silent hill 2 as a ps2 classic already wait are yall waiting for
No me gusta
Pro Hero Thirteen will be proud.
Wrong hole
Indiestation 4
great mobile game
Whoo hooo!
Glad GooglePlay are adding this! Oh wait.
ديسي لايك ههههههههههه
Is this gameboy channel?
For people who saying, than this game will be just a such a stupid mobile game – I played it on PC version, this game is harder than Dark Souls or Bloodborne! 😀
More like Wrong Hole …. can we please stop supporting Indi games please ?? I Want AAA games like God of war, Last of us not like mobile games
They need a rick and morty game. Not like the virtual reality one
go go Blackhole! 😀
Only ps4 pro
Most of the people that watch these only buy Triple A games. Don’t even bother arguing.
Instabuy <3
Black hole that must be phill spenser hole
Již zahoďte to vlastenectví! Vy tu hru tak nadhodnocujete. Je to průměrný platformer, který není o nic těžší jako ostatní. Otřesný dabing, vykradené hlášky (z Portal 2 atd), neoriginální mechaniky, nezajímavou grafickou stylizaci. Opravdu se jedná sotva o průměr. Kdyby český vývojář vysral hovno a dal ho na steam. Hned přijdou vlastenci jak je to hovno úžasný.
Oh god.. Not Auriel.. Not again!
Can you add team fortress 2 on ps4 please
Another ps plus game? xD
Nice. Looks like my kind of game!
Platformer. Pass.
Awards or not, this looks bad
Date release 8/8/1990
more indie cheap games on Ps4 next gen, plz
Looks perfect for PS Vita 🙁
Prachobyčejná hra. Kdyby vyšla tak sedm, osm let zpátky, tak to by si mohli pískat. Teď je to ovšem spíše trapas.