Battlefield 3 ~ You Can Be My Wingman Anytime ~ Trophy _ Achievement

Published on April 16, 2013 by PS4Trophies

THREE things must happen for a perfect run:

1) Avoid getting hit by enemy missiles. You use flares to defend that.

2) Take out all seven enemy planes, using no more than one missile per plane. So if you fire at the wrong time and your missile gets defended, you’ll have to start all over. You can NOT use the mini gun. You must use one missile for each plane to get this.

3) *IMPORTANT* You can’t hit restart checkpoint or restart mission. If you mess up, exit back to the main menu and you’ll have to sit through 5 minutes of cutscenes again. Trust me, you don’t want to do this more than a couple times.

For a full guide for the game including ribbons visit

Harder difficulties will see an increase of enemy jet flares, making the script different than this video.

You can try to remember each movement and learn when to fire missiles, or to better make use this video, sync up this video to your gameplay. Try to get them both to be playing at the same exact point, or the video half a second ahead.

If you manage to sync these, and you’re able to one eye on the YouTube video, and the other on your television, you can just hit the proper button required for each action when called out for in the video. Also, you can listen for the distinctive sound when you need to fire a flare or missile and not have to keep an eye on the video.

When I use a flare in the video, you will see in large blue text, the word FLARE. Same when I fire missiles, except in large red text.

The only thing you’ll need to do is maintain the proper line of sight with your right stick. If you sync up the video to your gameplay, you will know when to fire missisles. Firing missiles is the hard part as enemy planes will shoot out flares if you fire them at the wrong time.

The trophy will pop shortly after the next scene begins, the achievement, slightly before that

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