After an unexpected reunion, Bruce finds his attention (and his loyalties) stretched in yet another direction. Now, in addition to brokering a power struggle between Commissioner Gordon and Amanda Waller, Bruce must balance romantic entanglements with his mission to infiltrate the Pact. As he plunges deeper into the criminal underworld, the villains’ plan starts to come into focus, but will his deceptions take a dire toll?
Software Code © 2017 Telltale, Inc. All other elements ©2017 DC Comics. BATMAN and all related characters, their distinctive likenesses, and related elements are the property of DC Comics.™ & © 2017. Telltale, Telltale Games, Crowdplay, the Crowd Play logo and the Telltale logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Telltale, Inc. All rights reserved.
Alfred is looking like one of those old school villians with cat
Eu com vontade de jogar batman olha ai
I regret buying the season pass
Amazing. Can’t wait to play it
1:28 Suicide Squad reference?!!?
Still waiting for ps4 europe disc release
Is it rated T. I thought it was rated M for mature.
Hopefully Riddler will be in this episode, oh wait…
Great trailer!
Smoove gonna hit with the splash
Point and click point and click point and click.
Idk I liked borderlands 1 and a little bit of 2 but, I wish this game had higher quality detail. Meh.
been waiting too long for this to drop.
Coincidentally this episode is out on my birthday
That girl looks like harley quinn
Hey What’s up from Ireland Sidney here im watching u on my ps4 pro ps4 pro ps4 PlayStation vr rules