Assault Android Cactus is an intense arcade style twin stick shooter – pick from one of nine unique synthetic heroines and blast your way through overwhelming robot hordes to save the ship from its own workforce. Supports single player and local co-op game modes.
“When you’re running on battery, make every second count!
Assault Android Cactus is an arcade style twin stick shooter set in a vivid sci fi universe. Junior Constable Cactus is outside her pay grade when she responds to a distress call and ends up stranded on a crippled space freighter under attack by its own robot workers.
Utilising a draining battery mechanic in place of lives, Assault Android Cactus challenges you to think fast and keep the bullets flying, blending the gameplay of western styled arena shooters with aspects of Japanese style bullet hell as you charge head first through transforming stages, massive boss battles and an eclectic cast of characters on the way to saving the day.”
4 million subs, 2 views lol
so I guess we’ll never get another AAA PS4 game smh
looks like any other generic indie game
BOOOOO Give us street fighter v free
this game looks awesome
looks good
Broforce is definitely the best game.
subscribe me
Where’s Firewatch?
Guyzz come on this game looks good at least a good game last 3 months games
sucks i hope this one better
Typical indie game….
But it look decent tho..
i wonder what should i vote for:
Shite or shite or shite.
please help.
now we have helldivers … same game but helldivers looks better …
Finally some four player potential
everyone pick bro force
yup this game is a blast! please vote for it guys
playstation Plus free please
Another helldivers.
I wanna play this one
Vote for BroForce you idiots
Bad game…
Vote for broforce cuz its the better one
#Mortien Gerrux is a troll
This is the only option for me.
Now I’m happy that I have other consoles to play… *ejem* Wii U *ejem*,what?
You think that I was going to say XBone? No! I like good consoles.
this game looks way more fun than broforce lol. broforce just had the
better ad
People can complain that they aren’t getting the best games for free, but
the thing is… you’re getting something free, take it, try it, love it,
hate it, do whatever, but don’t dismiss these games just because they
aren’t on store shelves or have a big name attatched to them. That just
shows that you’re spoiled.
Indies , indies everiwhere … :/
From the moment I saw the picture on the blog of this game I was pretty
sure it was going to get my vote. The gameplay looks kind of eh though like
it looks super freaking chaotic and I really don’t like games like Binding
of Isaac and Don’t Starve where you die once and have to start the whole
thing over. That being said I love the look of the cutscenes and the
character design, it reminds me of Jet Force Gemeni :’)
I woted it a few minutes agooooooo ^^
broforce is the best game!!!
got my vote even though probably wont play it
This has got my vote.
é meio bosta esse jogo
no just no. vote for action henk
Looks cool but Broforce has my vote! I’ve had it on PC for some time and
it’s a blast!
To bad this has no chance of beating BroForce but I’ll probably still pick
it up since you can never have to many twin stick shooters
I want you all to know i recently bought a laptop and I decided to buy a
game on steam because of all the good sales. Of course the game i bought
was Bro force. So basically if i would have waited maybe another hour or so
i would have know that i could have gotten it for free on the ps4. Bad luck
on my part.
I’d like to check this game out. Looks like it has a nice arcade feel to it
and will be fun in coop.
Ok so psn responded to the complaints that people had about having bad
games for psn vote to play with even better games and there are still tons
of people still complaining???? All I can say is all three of these games
actually look great!!!
Looks like it’ll be great couch co-op
Assault Android Cactus FTW!